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Chloe walked into the precinct bright and early. Ready for the day. She wished a couple of her colleagues a good morning. She stopped skipping through the halls when she spotted a tall dark and handsome brown haired man talking to the receptionist. "So you want to file a missing person's report?" The girl stated in a bored tone. Alastor had never gone into a police station willingly and was quickly getting fed up with the receptionist. He wondered silently how pissed Lilith would be if he showed humanity what the Radio demon could do.

"Can I help you?" Chloe offered to the two frustrated beings. "Can you explain to that human, I don't want to file a  missing person's rapport. He's not missing I simply don't know where he is!" Alastor clenched his fist. The smile on his face made him look like a lunatic. Chloe wondered silently if he was all there. "Alright.. uh. Who are you looking for? Maybe we can help." She offered gently. "Finally someone helpful." He glared at the receptionist and turned to look at Chloe. Now that the detective got a real good look at him she realised something. "You're Alastor?" She gaped at him. He looked just like the guy on the picture Dan had found.

Alastor narrowed his eyes at her. "How do you know my name?" He gathered power in his fist just in case he needed to wreck the precinct.

Oblivious to the danger, Chloe explained the story of the photo to him. How she had a picture of him and her consultant from over 90 years back. " and somehow you both haven't changed a bit." Chloe hummed and tapped her chin. "Were your parents friends?" She smiled. "Oh uh.. yes. My father was Alastor senior." The radio demon smiled pleasantly. No need for destruction... yet. "So. Who did you say you were looking for?" Chloe smiled at him.

"I'm looking for the devil. Lucifer Magne." He grinned and waited for Chloe to declare him crazy like the rest of the humans had done.

"Oh! I might be able to help." She smiled. ' I knew it, Lucifer's last name is Magne... not Morningstar. '

Alastor blinked in surprise. "You.. don't think me insane?" He inquired.

"No of course not. The partner I told you about a minute ago claims the be the devil. He is the crazy one." She laughed. "Besides you're very gentlemanly. You don't give me the crazy vibe." Chloe chuckled.

"Ha ha... yes. I'm glad." Alastor's eyes frowned at her.

"So... I have to ask. Why do you keep smiling all the time?" Chloe led him to her desk. Where they could wait for Lucifer to show up.

Alastor's grin widened. "Because you're never fully dressed without one of course!" He told her cheerfully.

Chloe laughed. "that's a nice way of looking at it." She sat down and showed Alastor the picture. "See this is the picture I meant. " she pointed at it.

Alastor pulled up a chair. He remembered that picture. He also remembered Sammy, the man who just showed up one day. No credentials no money nothing. Just the clothes on his back and a habit of pretending he was the devil. Samael had sung for them in the bar to make some money. He had said it was all part of a retirement plan he was setting up for himself. Alastor smiled sadly. The man had taken a bullet for him... even after he knew what Alastor did at night. He ended up in hell a few years later anyways, as if Samael's sacrifice had meant nothing to fate. Then he met Lucifer and oh boy was that a meeting. Alastor was a smart cookie he figured it out almost instantly. Just because Lucifer had never lied to him didn't mean he was happy with the truth. Alastor shook the memories off of him. He focused his attention back on the detective in front of him. 

"Yes our families had been friends for a long time." Alsastor hummed. He she bought it. "Oh.. yes that makes sense. Much more sense than you both being over a hundred years old." Chloe laughed. Alastor chuckled as well. Oh the irony.


Lucifer was practically waiting for the other shoe to drop. His week had been shit. First Chloe started going out with Pierce. Despite his warnings. Then they had faught about it. Mazikeen had deserted him. Linda hadn't been any help as usual. Not to mention his stupid wings were back again. They felt rather painful today. Maybe it was his punishment for cutting them off again and again. He fiddled with his cufflinks as he walked into the precinct. Lucifer hoped he and Chloe would have something to do today. Not that he wished death upon a poor soul but he needed a good distraction.

He hopped down the stairs cheerfully opening his mouth to call out to the detective. In that second he spotted the tall brown haired man sitting at her desk. "ALASTOR!" Lucifer yelled angrily. If he harmed his Detective he would make Mazikeen torture him. Then he would stab Alastor until he died. He raced the last few steps down the stairs and pulled Alastor up by his fancy new coat. "What. Are. You. Doing here?" Lucifer growled.

Chloe got up before Alastor could say anything. "Lucifer! Put him down." She huffed.

Alastor blinked in surprise when he complied. "My my. Someone is whipped.~" he purred.

Lucifer's eye twitched. "I will punch you. Consequences be damned. Now answer my question, All." He hissed through his teeth. Chloe glared at him. She would definitely get on his ass about manners and handling civilians, later.

"Lilith send me." Alastor purred. He was enjoying himself far too much. Chloe stared at the two of them. Who was Lilith? Dan and Ella came looking what the commotion was all about.

Lucifer narrowed his eyes at Alastor and slowly set him down. "Why?" He frowned.

"Charlie is gone."

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