From Hell to Heaven

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And back again.

The night of Charlie's disappearance she was in her room at the hotel looking over her financials one more time. She threw the papers down with an annoyed sigh. Nothing was going well for her at the hotel. It was almost like she was cursed. Charlie opened the doors to her balcony and stared at the tiny blue speck in the sky.

"So far away." She sighed. "If only I had wings. I could fly there. Maybe. Maybe I could speak someone about redemption.." Charlie sighed wistfully. "Yeah... they would just laugh.... again." She grumbled. Leaving her balcony doors open, she flopped onto her bed. Charlie was out like a light pretty soon after that.

Closer and closer the moment of her disappearance approached. When the clock struck midnight the sleeping girl sat up in her bed. A pair of beautiful white wings unfolding behind her as she dream walked to her balcony. The same balcony from which she had dreamt of heaven. Not even more than 3 hours ago.

Still dead asleep she stood there for a moment before flying up. Up and away.

Charlie woke when a bright light hit her face she frowned and covered her eyes with her arm. Her bed... felt so much.. softer than before. Slowly her eyes adjusted to the bright light. She stared at the clouds she was sitting on. "HOLY SH*T.. wait why can't I say sh*t. F*ck. F*ck... strange."

"Yes heaven has a profanity filter. It's very fascinating. Blah blah blah. Can we move on to the part where I take your name and send you off to your room?" A cherub with dull white wings stood behind a mahogany desk. A thick book on top of it with millions upon millions of names. The cherub looked rather bored and absolutely done with his job. Beside that, everything about him was practically textbook angel.

"Oh uh. My name is Charlie. I don't.. I don't think I'm supposed to be here. But if.. it is possible. Do you think I could talk to someone about.." Charlie started to pitch her brand to the bored cherub. He quickly cut her off. "Ma'm I'm not mentally stable enough to learn everyone's life story. Just give me your last name." The Cherub actually sounded like he was in physical pain.

"Oh uhm. Sure. Magne. Charlotte Magne is my full name." Charlie smiled. The Cherub froze looked her over a few times before shakingly picking up the old phone on the edge of his desk. "Yes hello. Upper management. We have a code 666 here." After he made that announcement he promptly passed out.

Charlie was left wondering whatever it was she did wrong. She decided to wait a little while, balancing on her toes and whistling an upbeat tune.

Around ten minutes later as she started to wonder if something was still going to happen another angel showed up. He propped the Cherub back up and told him to go back to work. To Charlie he said. "You're holding up the line." He promptly left again. Charlie was getting plenty fed up with the angels. She was still trying to figure out how in the name of her father she had ended up here. Charlie waited quietly while Cherub kept stealing glances at her. His job was basically to look for the name on the long list of people. Give them their room number and cross of the name. She felt sorry for him. It looked terribly boring.

The next angel that showed up held a sword at her throat. "You... are not Lucifer. I thought this was a code 666." He huffed. "Woo. I came out of bed for nothing. Fantastic." A second angel showed up. He had gorgeous golden wings. "You look oddly corporeal kid." The other guy spoke. Charlie decided to name him blondie while the other was Goldeen. "I'm sorry?" Charlie smiled politely. Blondie and Goldeen shared a look.

"Why is that baby doll?" Goldeen grabbed her shoulder lightly. "I ah. Guess it's because I'm part angel? Maybe. I'm Charlie Magne by the way." She held her hand out to shake theirs.

Both angels drew in a sharp breath. "Ah. I understand the need for code 666 now." Goldeen muttered. "How did I not see it." Blondie growled at her. Charlie smiled awkwardly. "You're Lucifer's daughter aren't you?" Blondie huffed. He was visibly restraining his anger. It made Charlie a little scared.

"Yes but. I mean no harm I swear." Charlie raised her hands. "It's not like we choose our parents." Goldeen patted her head. "Hi Charlie I'm your uncle Gabriel. The grumpy one with the sword is Michael." Her uncle giggled and dodged a swipe from said sword quickly.

"Do not listen to him. He is.. crazy." Michael huffed. "Why are you here Charlie? Did your father send you?" He leaned into her space angrily.

"No?' Charlie smiled awkwardly. "I don't actually know... how I got here? I'm sorry to be an inconvenience?"

The two arch angels watched her suspiciously. "Do you want to go home?" Gabriel asked her carefully.

"Yes please. Can you help me get there? My girlfriend will worry if I'm gone too long and then my mom will hear about it and she might just send someone to get dad and it would be a mess! Not to mention the hotel. What are they going to do without me? Can they even function without me. Oh shit I think I'm going to faint!" Charlie whined and clutched her head.

"Hey hey. Calm down. I'll get you to some friends of mine. Who can probably help you find a way back to hell ok?" Gabriel smiled.

"You'll handle this then?" Michael huffed.

"Yes yes. Mika. We will ne fine." Gabriel scooped Charlie into her arms. "I'll take her to the Winchester they'll know what to do." Gabriel spread his wings and flew down quickly.

"Wait can't you just fly her to hell yourse... oh he's gone." Michael shrugged. "They'll be fine."

That's how Charlie found herself face to face with the businessend of two pistols. She put her hands up. "Friendly demon!" She shouted wondering where Gabriel had gone.

"There's no such thing as friendly demons!" Dean Winchester yelled back.

".... what about Meg?" Sam whispered to Dean.

"...shut it Sammy." Dean huffed.

"I swear I mean you no harm i just want to return to hell in one piece." Charlie said with her hands still in the air.

After explaining the situation and a lot of squabble between the boys. They came to an agreement. Dean would drive her to a couple of friends who might be better equipped in helping her with her predicament.

After explaining everything for a second time that day the angel and demon duo send her off to find one John Constantine. An exorcist who was capable of opening the gates of hell. Charlie just hoped she could go home soon. She yawned as she left the station and went looking for the exorcist hidden in a large city.

"... perhaps I should let him come to me?" Charlie wondered. Shrugging slightly she started asking around.

Where's Charlie?Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα