A single clue

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The humans all nodded in agreement. "Please Angel show us Charlie's room." Lucifer grabbed the spider's attention. Angel sighed and wrapped an arm around his waist with a grin. "Why I'd be delighted to take you to any room my king~" angel flirted shamelessly with the devil. "Maybe I'll take you up on that offer tonight." Lucifer chuckled.

Chloe frowned. No. She was not bothered by Lucifer having hot steamy sex with a sexy spider demon. A make spider demon who somehow had bigger tits than she. No. Chloe was not jelous.

Ella was already examining the way up to the bedroom. "I've seen no sign of struggle so far. Charlie can't have been dragged out of the hotel through the front door." Ella noted. Her tone was a little more professional now. Still she looked like an overexcited puppy. Especially with the ears and wagging tail.

"If she was, someone would have seen the crime." Angel shook his head. "Mainly Husk. He is always at the reception desk. It would have been almost impossible to sneak by him unnoticed." Alastor explained cheerfully.

"Could someone she trusted have taken her outside?" Chloe questioned. "No. I was the last one to take her out." Angel shook his head. "And for the record. We did return together. We all had dinner together and she went to sleep. The next morning she was gone." Angel sighed.

Lucifer clenched his fists at the thought of Charlie probably being all alone and scared out of her mind. "Doesn't she room with her girlfriend?" Lucifer questioned curiously. Shouldn't Vaggie have noticed anything? "Well normally yes but. You see. Angel and Vaggie managed to destroy the kitchen in one of Charlie's exercises to get those two to work together. Charlie was disappointed in them both and ordered them to be roommates for a week so they could learn to finally stop fighting as much." Alastor explained. He chuckled softly. "Ah I do so love Charlie's speeches when she's scolding people." He grinned.

Lucifer glares at him. "Try anything creepy and I'll feed you to Maze." He hissed. Alastor chuckled. "Duly noted, King." He hummed. "So she was all alone in her room and nobody went through the front door to get her." Ella hummed softly to herself. Alastor opened the door to Charlie's room. Ella pushed herself past the rest and entered first. "You.. didn't clean up did you?" She wanted to be sure. Angel shook his head. "Nobody has been in here or touched anything since her disappearance."

"But it's so clean. There's not a single sign of a fight!" Ella pulled on her hair. Chloe entered the room as well. "Could she just have been... teleported away? Or something of the sort?" Chloe asked curiously. "Lucifer?" She looked up questioningly. Lucifer had entered the room as well. He had found something under the bed which he was now holding up carefully. "I... may have an idea as to where she is." Lucifer's voice trembled. He was afraid. Chloe frowned. There were very few times she heard Lucifer sound so vulnerable. She looked at what he was holding up and didn't immediately understand. Until it sawned on her. "Oh god."

"That's my suspicion too I'm afraid." Lucifer sighed in despair and gave Ella the feather he had been holding. "I dont think I can run a DNA test on this." Ella frowned. "I can tell it's a real feather. Clearly supernatural as well." She smiled apologetically. As that was the only information she could gather from this. "It could be anyones feather." Lucifer groaned. He was so tired. He just wanted his baby girl back. "Ooh. Does this mean we're going to heaven?" Angel looked excited. He could not wait to snag himself an angelic boyfriend.

"While that sounds like an incredibly fun experience to see you flirt with my siblings. I don't think I can get anyone into heaven much less myself." Lucifer sunk down on a chair. Charlie was lost to him forever. "What about Amenadiel?" Chloe frowned. "Couldn't he go get Charlie?"

"Sadly no. Amenadiel has no powers anymore." Lucifer covered his eyes with his arm "if she is in heaven.. abducted by an angel. There is no way to get her back."

Dan frowned. "If we can't go to heaven... can we bring heaven to us?"

Everyone stopped and stared at him. Lucifer perked up. "Dan I could kiss you!" He lifted the cockroach up and hugged him tightly. "I'll take that as a yes?" Dan wheezed.

"Aye! Every year the angels come down to hell to exterminate a few thousand demons. We could capture an angel and interrogate it." Lucifer looked excited.

"While that is an excellent idea. There has just been an extermination only four months ago." Alastor hummed.

Lucifer deflated. "We cant possibly make my Charlie wait that long." He sighed. He perked up as another idea came to him. "I have... some acquaintances we could possibly ask for help." He hesitated. "However neither of them like me much and they are very sensitive about... some things I did. While.. ah. Not in my right mind." Lucifer looked nervous. "On second thought it's a bad idea we shouldn't.." he panicked slightly. "Calm down king." Alastor grounded the devil by grabbing his shoulders. "If you want we can do the talking for you?" He offered.

Lucifer nodded. "Yes. And don't mention my name for a second. I'll just.. take you and chloe to them. Ill stay in the car to avoid being seen. When we get to them."

"Alright then. So we're going to get help from....?" Ella questioned.

"From Sam and Dean Winchester."

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