To Hell we go!

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"So how will that even work?" Ella frowned slightly. "I'll explain it." Alastor stepped forward. "Lucifer is going to fly us down to hell with those pretty white wings of his.  But before that we should cast a disguise on everyone who's coming along." Alastor hummed. He was enjoying this greatly.

"Just to be sure. We will be allowed back out of Hell right?" Dan asked nervously. Lucifer nodded affirmative. "Yes of course. I would never forgive myself if anything happened to any of you. Even you detective douche." He chuckled. Dan looked annoyed at the nickname. However.. the familiarity of it settled his worries. Ella was right. This was still the same Lucifer. He was still a dick. "Alright. Fine. I will go with you." Dan decided. "I as well will join the quest to save Charlie." Ella saluted. Chloe smiled fondly at them all. "Oh well. We might as well do this. How bad can it be."

"Great. Glad we sorted that out." Alastor dropped his disguise. "Dude! Brush your teeth." Dan looked grossed out. Alastor smile widened dangerously as his eyes turned to radio dials. "What the fuck did you just say to me?"

Lucifer shivered. "Oh boy." He knew Alastor hardly ever cursed like that on purpose, Dan was in trouble. Dan paled and quickly he threw his hands up defensively. "I meant no offence! It was just a suggestion." He chuckled nervously. Alastor tapped Dan's head lightly. The terrified man sprouted antennae and his clothing changed to a poop brown color. He gained two extra sets of arms and his eyes became just a bit rounder. "What the?" Dan stared at his newly disguised form. Lucifer burst out laughing. "You're a cockroach." He giggled and rolled over the floor. Lucifer only laughed harder at Dan's unimpressed face. "I demand another disguise!" He yelled at the amused Radio demon. "No take backs." Alastor chuckled. "As for you two." He gave Ella golden retriever ears and a tail. Chloe got bunny ears and a small bunny tail. "What... why do they get normal looking accessories?" Dan seethed. "Because they didn't take the piss outta me." Alastor hummed. "Well? go on then King." He gestured at Lucifer. "Right. To Hell we go!" He pointed dramatically. After making everyone hold hands he dragged them down with him through the layers of reality. Straight into pentagram city.

"Aaah. Home sweet home." Alastor grinned at the single demon they startled. "Boo." He laughed statistically as the demon ran off screaming. "So. Let me be the first to welcome you to pentagram city. The capital of Hell." Alastor spoke cheerfully. Ah how he missed his sweet static. It just gave his voice that extra flare.

The humans in disguise looked around in awe. "It's not that bad." Dan blinked in surprise. "It looks a lot like Vegas." Ella admitted. "Vegas is modeled after pentagram city yes." Lucifer admitted. They turned to him. "Holy.. what happened?" Chloe looked him over. Lucifer's hair and outfit had changed. Instead of dark hair he was now sporting blonde. Instead of black he wore all white. "Oh yes. I forgot to mention. Hell changes every resident's appearance as they enter hell. Even mine. This is my demon form." He made a bow. "The one that doesn't look like burnt stew." Alastor coughed behind his hand. "What was that dip shit!" Lucifer's temper flared up.

"So wait. If it changes everyone then why did you transform us?" Ella frowned. "Because you're not resident's of course!" Alastor told her cheerfully. "So we had to apply a glamour. Before someone tries to steal your soul or stab you. Or does nasty things with you." Alastor shuddered.

"Still no fan of sex?" Lucifer chuckled. "No." Alastor hissed through his teeth. "One day smiles. One day." Lucifer promised him. Alastor growled. "No. Let us continue to the hotel." He dragged the other's along. Chloe read all the signs as they walked. "It's like.. somebody forgot to censor everything in a movie and instead made everything... naughty." Chloe shuddered.

They arrived at the hotel. "Welcome to the Happy hotel." Husk didn't even look up from his magazine as he greeted them. He sounded super enthusiastic about it as well.... yeah he totally sounded like he had died of boredom, found heaven and wasn't impressed with what he had found.

"Hello again Husker my dear friend." Alastor was back in his element and he felt great about it. Earth sucked. Hell was his domain. Husk looked up. "Oh it's you. You're back... I would call Vaggie down but..." he reached for the phone just out of his reach. "It's too far. " he grunted. Alastor patted his shoulder. "Don't worry my friend. I've got it." He picked up the phone and Dialed for Vaggie. Dan sat on one of the bars tools. "Here. You look like you need it." Husk slid a bottle of cheap booze towards him. Dan smiled.  "Thanks uh...?" He watched the winged cat curiously. "Husk." He grumbled. "I'm Dan." They both took a swing of their bottles at the same time. Chloe elbowed Ella. "Look he made a friend." She giggled softly.

"All you're back!" A voice called out. Alastor shivered and stiffened. "Angel!" He turned around abruptly. "Please. The door is there. Remember how I love the way you walk out of it?" He smirked. Angel chuckled. "Not going to work twice dear... hello.~" he put an arm around Lucifer. "Hello handsome what's your name?" Angel asked Lucifer with a flirtatious tilt to his voice. Chloe pursed her lips in jealousy. Today was a wild ride. She had learned Lucifer had a wife a child. And now her Lucifer was being flirted with by a sexy spider! There was only so much she could take! Chloe shook her head reminding herself how she was with Pierce. How he made her happy. Then why whenever she compared him to Lucifer did he always come up short. Because Pierce. Just... wasn't Lucifer. Really. That was her boyfriend's only flaw.

"Lucifer Magne Morningstar. Please Angel Dust. You're making the ladies Jelous." Lucifer smirked at Chloe. Angel however didn't quite get what Lucifer meant. "Ai sorry girls. I don't swing that way. But we can still fuck. For a price..~" he purred. "Wait you're who now?" Angel only now realised who's arm he was hanging off.

Meanwhile Chloe was having a hard time with her emotions. She wanted Lucifer. She realised that now. But he was just so.. he needed social interaction. She remembered the large amount of lovers from one particular case. Maybe... maybe she could accept that. He ran a nightclub after all. Making him quit laying with other people would be cruel. Yes. She could allow him to have intercourse with others as long as it was safe sex. Chloe smiled and watched Lucifer interact with Angel. They took turns flustering one another. Their faces were red with deep blushes. Chloe stiffened, what had she been thinking? Lucifer wasn't hers. They weren't even dating!

While Chloe lost her mind Ella had met the energetic nifty. They were talking at such high speeds that not even Alastor could understand them anymore.

Lucifer managed to pry Angel off of him who immediately went on to harass Dan. Lucifer chuckled at Dan's unamused face. "Ah that makes all of this worth it." He hummed softly and straightened out his clothes. "Ahem." He gathered everyone's attention. "Don't we have a job to do?"

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