The angels have fallen.

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Terribly sorry for the long wait. I had a hard time fitting everything together and then Christmas came and I... forgot? Oops? So yes. Here it finally is. For those of you who are also reading 'the new king.' I will post an new chapter within the next three days.

"Who are they?" Chloe asked curiously. "Old acquaintances. From before I was cool with humanity." Lucifer hummed. "They helped stop the apocalypse. Granted they were also the ones who started it." He chuckled.

"Woa apocalypse?!" Dan shouted in concern. "Relax detective douche. It's all cool now." Lucifer waved his concern away. Lucifer hadn't actually gone back into the cage. Neither was there really a cage. The castle was the cage. When the Winchesters opened the cage they basically summoned Lucifer from his spot next to his queen. Which he had not really liked. Therefore he had decided to play along with the apocalypse. At least until he learned of sex and other pleasures. Lucifer decided halfway through to fake his defeat. Which he did brilliantly by making that Zachariah fellow take his place. Thus, crisis averted.

Lucifer idly wondered what the Winchester's were up to. "So what's the plan?" Ella hummed. "I'll bring you and Dan back to the precinct to investigate that feather. If you can tell me it's properties then I might be able to identify the arrogant pigeon that stole my daughter." Lucifer snarled.

Ella snorted. "Sure thing D man." She hugged him. Lucifer smiled slightly. "I'll join you and Chloe. Can't go wrong with some extra muscle. Right dearie?" Alastor grinned at Lucifer. "And I..." Angel started to say. However before he could finish talking he realised Lucifer and his friends had already left. "... will stay here then. Jerks." Angel huffed and walked off to find someone he could suck off.


Back at the precinct Ella started her research while Dan... 'Helped'.

Lucifer, Chloe and Allistor stood in the middle of a field. "Wait.. what's happening?" Chloe stared at the sky as thousands of... comets plummeted towards the earth. Alastor stared in amazement while Lucifer's eyes filled with tears. "... they're... they're angels." Lucifer shouted in pain and covered his ears. "Lucifer?" Chloe gently touched his shoulder. "The angels have fallen." Alastor grinned. The lights reflected in his eyes. "Lucifer can hear them crying out in pain and fear. There won't be a way getting into Heaven now.." Alastor sighed. "Someone closed the gates and kicked everyone out. "

Chloe held Lucifer as he sat there with his eyes shut and hands over his ears. "Alastor? Take us home. We'll find out what happened tomorrow." She mumbled. Alastor agreed and took them back to the penthouse.


Two days later Lucifer practically kicked down the Bunker door. "Knock knock!" He grinned. Lucifer looked like shit. He had been drinking yesterday away and had not slept at all. Chloe watched him in concern as he descended the stairs. She and Alastor followed him slowly.

Sam and Dean had been in an argument about Sam's wellbeing. Sam insisted he was fine. He wanted to focus on helping Castiel. Dean however pressed on wanting to bench Sam and wished to send Castiel away. However with a new common threat they both pointed their guns at the new arrivals. "Who are you?" " How did you get in?" They yelled at the same time.

Chloe could just feel how this was going to go wrong. Alastor's grin widened. "This is going to be fun." He whispered to Chloe. 

Lucifer pressed his hand to his chest and feigned hurt. "Why Sammy from Dean I would have expected this betrayal. But you..."

"Lucifer." Sam spat and stepped back. "New and improved." Lucifer made a deep bow. As soon as he stood straight Dean shot him. Alastor however put his hand in front of the bullet. "Terribly sorry. Lilith would have my head if she found out he died." Alastor purred. "That and you would make Chloe pretty sad." He hummed.

"What te hell are you talking about?" Dean growled. "Hey hey. Can we all put the weapons down. We're not here to hurt either of you. And whatever Lucifer did to you he is sorry." Chloe glared at Lucifer. They would have words about this.

The Devil nodded. "She's right. I am sorry for... you know unleashing the horsemen. And the apocalypse." Lucifer fiddled with his thumbs.

Dean raised his eyebrows. "What about torturing Sam?" He huffed. "What about torturing Sam?" Lucifer looked confused. "You... tortured me for years.. in the cage. And then when I got out and my soul returned you tortured me through hallucinations." Sam spoke up.

Chloe felt her heart constrict. She didn't know Lucifer like such a cruel being. Then again. He had changed. She had changed him. Chloe swallowed.

Lucifer frowned at Sam. "Sam. There is no cage. There never was. The 66 seals is a summoning ritual. A complicated one. One that gave me motive to start the apocalypse. The cage is a fabrication. A lie. Something I made up to protect the family I had made for myself... I never possessed you either Sam. I made Zacheriah take my place. I was done. So done with everyone's expectations that I ditched everything. "

"You ditched the apocalypse?" Dean looked like he didn't believe a word of what Lucifer was telling them.

"Shush Michael sword. I was talking to Sammy." Lucifer rolled his eyes. "But.. yes. Yes I did. I never wanted you to get hurt Sam. Honestly I didn't. What you've gone through was purely a fabrication of hell. No less real. But I've never hurt you Sam."

"You cannot believe this bullshit Sam." Dean waved his gun at Lucifer. "I believe him." Said Sam. He slowly put his gun away. Dean did his o my god really are you fucking with me gesture and opened his mouth to argue. "Dean." Sam warned. Dean growled and walked away. "I NEED A DRINK!"

"You and me both." Lucifer looked at his empty flask.

"So..." Sam glanced at Lucifer's companions. "And you are?" He recognised neither of them.

"Ah. Detective Chloe Decker. Lucifer helps me out with cases as a consultant. It's how I met him. I've only known who he is for a short amount of time... I'm sorry to hear what you've all gone through." Chloe held out her hand for him to shake.

Sam looked surprised. "You.. are a human? And you work with Lucifer."

"Yes. I've done quite a good job training him. Right Lucifer? Stay good devil." She joked. Alastor laughed at the pout on the king of hell's face. Sam stared at them in confusion. He smiled slightly. This was... therapeutic. Somehow.

"I'm Alastor. Quite a pleasure. I've heard a lot about you." Alastor shook Sam's hand. "Alastair?" Dean looked fear evident in his eyes. "Ah no. AlastOR. No relation to Alastair."  Alastor explained with a huge grin on his face. Dean relaxed again. "Oh ok... why are you Assholes here anyways?" Dean decided to ask the million dollar question.

"Well we were hoping you could explain more about the whole. Heaven being closed. Thing." Lucifer gestured at the ceiling.

"Oh yeah. That." Both of the brothers didn't look happy. Dean took a large sip of his drink. "And I would like your help." Lucifer said. Dean promptly spit out his drink. Sam rolled his eyes. ' dramaqueen '

He grabbed his own beer. God knows he needed a drink after that statement. "With what?" Dean coughed. "I wish to find my daughter." Lucifer stated bluntly. It was Sam's turn to do a spit take. "YOUR WHAT?!" Sam and dean yelled at the same time.

"Why does everybody ask me that?! I've fucked half of LA why is it so hard for people to believe I have a child?!" Lucifer yelled. Sam stared and gaped at him like a fish out of water. Dean fainted, right as Castiel walked into the room. "What did I miss why is everyone yelling?"

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