Crawley.. Crowley.. Fergus?

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"Where are we going exactly?" Chloe sighed softly. This entire thing was downright exhausting. She felt a migraine blooming inside her skull as she watched the green scenery pass her by. She Lucifer and the demon had piled into the car and were on their way to... God knows where. Chloe couldn't be bothered to care enough.

Chloe was tired. Being dragged around by Satan himself took a lot out of a person. She stealthily stole a glance at Alastor. The Radio demon looked about as done with this search as she felt. Still his smile never faltered. "Charlie better not have ceased to exist." He hummed. Leaving his unspoken threat hanging in the air.

Lucifer paid them no mind. Not hearing anything over the exhaustion behind his eyes. All he could think of was how scared his little girl was.

Alastor sighed turned on his microphone and started to sing. The atmosphere in the car had been absolutely dreadful. Slowly the other two came out of their funk and joined him by singing along. Alastor found the devil had a nicer voice than he expected.

Mulling it over once in his head he decided it wasn't unexpected at all. Lucifer had been an angel once upon a time.  There was no doubt in his mind that all Angel's could sing beautifully.


25  songs later Lucifer stopped the car in front of a dingy looking bookstore. "This is it?" Alastor gestured to the building. "It's very.. quaint." He decided on.

Lucifer rolled his eyes and stepped inside the store. The bell dinging above his head cheerfully. "Crawley.~" he purred to a snake chilling between the plants. ' this is it. ' Chloe thought to herself.  ' He has finally gone mad. ' Alastor seemed to know what she was thinking and looked just horribly smug. Chloe gritted her teeth. Punching him in the face for grinning was most likely not a good idea. Nor a valid excuse. The damned man never stopped smiling.

Suddenly the snake twisted away from them and turned into a man. Chloe groaned inwardly. Of course. Shapeshifter. Suddenly she was very glad she didmt make a fool out of herself by saying something.

"M.. my..K.. Satan. What brings you here? How did you find us?" Crowley swallowed nervously and hoped that his angel would stay gone until he had resolved the issue. 

"The Winchesters. Now Crawley."


"What's the difference?"

"Crawley has an A in it." Crowley shot back.

".... didn't Fergus claim that name?" Lucifer wondered.

"Riveting as this conversation is... ~ we have more important things to talk about. Don't you think?" Alastor cocked his head.

Lucifer nodded. "The winchesters told us they send Charley here." He watched the snake impatiently.

Crowley blinked. "Yes. She... wanted to return to hell. So I send her on her way to a John Constantine?"

"Motherfucker." Lucifer dragged his detective and Alastor out of the store.

"To fucking Starling city." He snarled and drove as fast as the car allowed leaving a releaved demon and an oblivious angel behind.

"Crowley? Who was that." Aziraphale peeked around the corner.

"Don't.. don't worry about it angel." Crowley sighed.


Hey. It's me. It has been a while. So. I lost my motivation for a bit there. My baddd. Also with the Corona virus I was no longer allowed to go to work and I usually wrote in the train. So yes. I had a hard time finding a moment to sit down and write.

I'm sorry this encounter and chapter for that matter. Were a bit short. Next chapter will be a treat. As we will finally get an answer to. Where is Charlie. I'll have it published sometime next week. Maybe this weekend even. Until then.~

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