Charlie is what?

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Lucifer froze completely. Chloe watched the entire exchange in confusion. What was going on? "Say that again?" Lucifer asked softly. "Charlie has gone missing. She just up and dissapeared last week. We've looked everywhere." Alastor sighed. Lucifer grabbed Alastor by the throat and pulled him closer. "CHARLIE IS WHAT?" he squeezed tightly. Chloe quickly stepped in and separated the two of them. "Ok that's enough. Why don't we calm down and talk about this?" She offered. "Splendid idea my dear!" Alastor grinned. Lucifer looked ready to kill him.

Chloe made Lucifer sit down in one of the interrogation rooms. Alastor sat opposite the devil, his grin incredibly smug. "Alright. Why don't we start at the beginning?" She asked calmly, as if she was talking to two little children. "Now Alastor. Why are you here?"

"I'm here to deliver a message on behalf of Lucifer's wife." Alastor hummed.

Chloe choked on her own spit. "Lucifer's what?" She coughed.

"Lilith is my ex-wife. We're no longer married." Lucifer huffed.

"And you didn't think to mention this before?" Chloe huffed. Alastor smirked this was fun. More fun than he had expected it to be.

"No.." Lucifer looked away guiltily. Chloe threw her hands in the air. "We've had entire conversations about divorce! How has it not come up?" Chloe yelled at him. Alastor's grin widened. Ah yes. This was so much fun.

"I didn't really want to talk about that part of my life." Lucifer mumbled and twirled his thumbs.

Chloe glared at him and turned back to Alastor. "I'm sorry please continue."

"Anyways she send me to tell Lucifer that his child was missing." Alastor purred and waited for Chloe to flip out again.

She didn't. "I expected a child. Honestly I'm surprised there arent more children than just the one." Chloe sighed. "So Lucifer's child is missing?" She looked down when Alastor nodded. "I'll put out a BOLO. And file a proper missing person's report. "

Alastor looked sceptical. "She might not even be on earth." He glanced at Lucifer who had sat with his eyes closed for the last two minutes. "She's not in Hell. I would know if she where. No one can hide from me if they're there."

Chloe rolled her eyes. "Here he goes again." She muttered.

Alastor chuckled. "You truly don't believe him even while he tells you the truth?"

Chloe looked surprised. "I.. no I don't believe him when he says he used to run hell and that he's a fallen angel. "

Alastor's grin widened in pure malicious enjoyment. "Allow me." He got up to stand behind the unsuspecting Lucifer. The devil smacked his hand away angrily before he could accomplish anything. "Don't! This is not the time! We have to find Charlie. Father only knows where she could be. She's probably scared and alone." Lucifer fussed. It was clear to Chloe, he was worried for his little girl.

"Where are we going to start?" Chloe smiled at him. "By calling Maze." Lucifer nodded confidently. "Aren't you two in a rough patch? She did pack up her stuff to leave my home. She hasn't answered any of my calls." Chloe looked worried as Lucifer deflated.

"I'll find her." Alastor grinned. "No. No way. You'll kill eachother before you accomplish anything substantial." Lucifer shook his head. Alastor raised an eyebrow at the king. "Don't you trust me?" The radio demon chuckled. "No." Lucifer answered him without hesitation.

"How about Trixie?" Chloe offered. "What about Trixie?" Lucifer asked at the same time Alastor asked Chloe, "who is Trixie?"

"Trixie my daughter." She clarified for Alastor. "Still has a connection with Maze. If anyone can get Maze to do something it's her." Chloe looked proud. Lucifer thought about it then nodded. "Alright. As long as Mazikeen can find some clues. I don't care how." Lucifer sighed.

"For now let's focus on who saw her last." She looked expectantly at Alastor. "Ah. That would be Angel." The demon hummed. "The porn star?" Lucifer blinked. "You let your child hang out with a porn star?" Chloe scoffed. She wasn't surprised, just disappointed.

"Hey, you let your child hang out with Maze." Lucifer defended himself. Chloe thought about it. "... fair enough. I'm sorry please continue." She motioned to Alastor.

"Charlie and Angel had a counciling session together. Afterwards they went to their respective rooms at the hotel. When morning came she was gone." Alastor hummed.

"I might be able to get Ella to investigate her room?" Chloe offered.

Alastor gave Lucifer a look. "Ah that.." Lucifer looked anywhere but at her. "This would be so much easier if you just showed her your wings." Alastor tried to tap his back again. Lucifer slapped his hand away once more. "No! My wings aren't a good representation of me.." he growled.

Chloe sighed softly. Here they go again. "Lucifer if you have something to show me... just do it." She grumbled.

"... alright fine! But we're only doing this once. Take out at my place tonight. " Lucifer made a group text.

"We'll meet you there detective." Lucifer got up and dragged Alastor with him. Chloe watched them go, confused. "I don't get him sometimes." She mumbled to herself.


Lucifer paced his room for the fiftieth time this evening. He had already tried looking around los Angeles. In the off chance Charlie had ended up here. He had swept hell with his mind searching for his daughter's particular signature. Yet nothing. Maze had been contacted and Amenadiel had been notified. The only thing they could do now... was to go to the scene of the crime. Which included Lucifer revealing his wings to his coworkers. No more secrets. No more going backwards.

"You're surprisingly nervous mr King." Alastor grinned. "You're not helping!" Lucifer whined and dragged his hands down his face. "My baby girl is missing and even if we have grown a bit distant I... I still love here. I'll start armageddon if something has happened to her!" He declared.

Alastor watched him with his signature grin in place. "I meant the revealing of your wings, Lucy." Alastor purred. "Oh... yes. That." Lucifer stopped pacing. "If it'll help my baby doll come home. I am more than happy to lose my friends." He took a deep breath to steady himself.

"Friends you say?" Alastor hummed. "As close as you and I were? Once upon a time." He hummed while inspecting his nails.

"Oh shut up. You used me and I used you. Get over it you're nothing special." Lucifer huffed while looking away.

Alastor smirked, his narrowed eyes betrayed his displeasure. "Ah so that's why you beat me with the nearest blunt object you found when I got to hell... I do however appreciate the tremendous power boost. Thank you for that." He made a small bow.

"Oh I didn't do that. Your power is measured by your sins. The greater the sin the greater the power. Since you shot me. And succeeded in killing me... well let's just say you got a boost from that one." Lucifer huffed.

"You're just mad I betrayed your trust. I know how you work Lucifer. You're immortal until you love someone. Only then.." Alastor formed a pistol with his fingers. "Then you're killable."

The elevator dinged, cutting their heated conversation short. "So, what is so urgent?" Dan grumbled softly as he, Chloe and Ella stepped into the penthouse.

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