Chapter 25: Lose A Lot

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Layla sat quietly in the pod, looking out the front windshield at the vast emptiness of space. All she did was trade the comfy view she had on The Frigga for a smaller, more tense one. This was not the same ship filled with her friends and laughter. She was alone with Thor and two strangers now, left to worry about her friends and their fates quietly from her seat in the cockpit.

The small ship had been silent for some time now. In part because this was a serious mission and everyone was focusing, but also because she didn't know Rocket and Groot, and wasn't sure what to talk to them about. Not that she understood a damn thing Groot said anyway.

"I am Groot," the tree-like being muttered irritably, barely looking up from his hand-held game he had been playing the whole trip.

See. What the hell does that mean? Layla thought, growing more annoyed.

"Tinkle in the cup. We're not looking. What's there to see? What's a twig?" Rocket responded, just as irritated. "Everybody's seen a twig."

That answer did not make Groot happy. "I am Groot."

Thor didn't take his gaze from out the back portholes. "Tree, pour what's in the cup out in space, and go in the cup again."

This shocked Layla, and apparently Rocket, as well. "You speak Groot?" the raccoon asked.

Thor shrugged nonchalantly. "Yes, they taught it on Asgard. It was an elective."

Layla raised an eyebrow. Was there anything they didn't teach on Asgard?

"I am Groot."

Layla knew she was going to lose it before this adventure was over. She was apparently the only one who didn't understand this damn tree. She huffed out of frustration, but she doubted any of them heard it.

"You'll know when we're there. Nivadellir's forge harnesses the power of a blazing neutron star," Thor explained happily. "It's the birth place of my hammer. It's truly awesome."

Layla watched as Thor took a seat beside the window near the rear of the ship. His facial expression was very different than it was moments before. He almost looked sad. She frowned for a moment before she got up from her spot near the front of the ship to sit beside him. She bumped shoulders with him, hoping that would help cheer him up a little. He glanced at her and smiled slightly, but said nothing. She knew he had some things troubling him, but she hadn't seen him quite like this before.

Rocket looked away from the windshield, and looked at Thor before he sighed. "Okay, time to be the captain," he muttered quietly to himself. He got up, walking to a nearby console where he pressed two buttons. "So, dead family, huh? Yeah, that can be annoying. You said your sister and your dad?"

Thor nodded. "Both dead."

"Still got a mom, though?" Rocket asked, a little more sympathetically.

Thor shook his head. "Killed by a dark elf."

Ouch. Layla didn't know that's how Frigga had died. Then again, she never asked either. For some reason she had always assumed it was a natural, peaceful death. She felt kind of bad now. No wonder they had named their ship after her.

"A best friend?" Rocket continued.

"Back on Earth," Thor answered. "Protecting what's left of my people, the ones who survived my sister's wrath."

"So you've still got them, your gal, your team, and your brother," Rocket pointed out. "So it's not all doom and gloom. Are you sure you're up to this particular murder mission?"

Shine Again (An Avengers: Infinity War/Endgame Story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora