Opening the Chamber

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When Monday morning came around, the group of Slytherins went to breakfast before heading to their first lesson; potions with the Gryffindors. Sylvia never understood the reason why the two houses had most classes with each other with the obvious house rivalry.

"Hey Draco?" she asked.


"Why do they have most of the Slytherin classes with the Gryffindors? The house rivalry is clear. Even Godric and Salazar basically hated each other."

"Huh. I didn't actually realize that but I suppose that they hope if we spend enough time together then we'll get along? I don't know, ask professor Snape." He replied uncertainly.

"Ask me what?" Snape said as they realized they had already arrived in the classroom.

"Why do Slytherins and Gryffindors have most of their classes together when the house rivalry is clear?" Snape looked rather confused just as Draco was.

"I don't actually know. I didn't even realize until you brought it up." He said but the whole class had already arrived so he stood at the front, introducing a new potion called Amortentia. Of course, Sylvia was a pro at making this potion as it was her favourite.

"Remember students, if I find that one of you has used this potion on another student, the consequences shall be severe. Now, can anyone tell me about the properties of Amortentia?" immediately, Hermione and Sylvia's hands were raised in the air. The only difference was Sylvia's was raised calmly and slowly while Hermione's shot up in the air immediately.

"As miss. Parkinson raised her hand calmly and patiently, I will ask her." He said in his usual monotonous voice. She shot a smirk at Hermione who sank back into her seat glumly.

"Well, Amortentia is the most powerful love potion in existence. It's considered to be a powerful and highly dangerous potion. It's dangerous to underestimate a powerful infatuation. Despite its power, Amortentia doesn't create actual love; it's impossible to manufacture imitate love. The person under the effect of the potion will only hold an obsession for the person who administered it. The aroma is different for every person who smells it, reminding them of the things that they find most attractive, even if the person doesn't acknowledge or is unaware of their fondness for the object themselves." Sylvia said, confidently.

"Excellent. I would award house points but you do not currently have a house. Now class, open your books to page 493 and then collect the necessary ingredients from the store cupboard at the back." Severus said as the class rummaged through their bags for their books. Sylvia just walked to the cupboard and pulled out:
Ashwinder eggs.
Rose thorns.
Powdered Moonstone.
Pearl Dust.
She then walked back to her seat beside Draco and placed out the ingredients, looking at them all before measuring and adding the ingredients all without the book or instructions. She had altered the potion slightly to make it more powerful. Draco saw that she was doing things differently to what the book had instructed.

"What are you doing? The book doesn't say half of what you are doing. Speaking of which, you don't even have it out."

"One, I know the potion by heart as it is my favourite and two, I have experimented in the past and I've figured out how to make it more powerful." She said, waving her wand over the potion as she had finished. She smelled the potion and she was hit by a strong scent of green apples and mint.

"Professor, I've finished." She said. Snape looked over and smiled lightly. He strode over and looked t her potion closely.

"Still as good as always at this one I see. You've clearly been experimenting I see. It is rather powerful. Tell me, what do you smell?" At this point, the entire class was looking over, eager to hear what she had to say.

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