Return to Durmstrang

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I was stood in Karkaroff's office. He was sitting at his desk.

"So what happened? Did you open ze chamber or not?"

"I opened the chamber and gave the diary to a girl so that she could write to Tom and he could slowly suck the life out of her and come back as an actual person. I must say though, Tom Riddle was hot as a 16 year old boy." I said, remembering when he showed me when he caught Hagrid with a large spider.

"Okay? Good to know that you opened the Chamber and that Voldemort may be returning. Ow go on. I'm sure your friends would want to see you after two months." I nodded and ran out of his office.

"Viktor!" I yelled and ran at him, jumping on his back.

"Nice to see you too Sylvia. How was your stay at Hogwarts?" he asked laughing.

"It was wonderful. I can't wait to see a certain someone though."

"Oh? Who is he? How long have you been together? I want to know everything." He said causing me to laugh.

"Adrian took a picture of our first kiss much like you did with me and Sam." I pulled out the picture that I had in my pocket and showed it to Viktor.

"Ah I remember seeing that kid in some of the pictures in you room. I like that one of you on his back, your sister on another boy's back and one boy dropping his boulder of a friend." I laughed at that last one.

"I guess you could call Crabbe and Goyle boulders. They eat a lot too. But they make good body guards against the 'golden trio'. I'm not saying they're awful people but you know me. You know I'm all for purebloods."

"Yes I know. Well, I'm sure you'd like to know how your stand in for Quidditch was. You'll be pleased to know that he'll be playing as seeker next year. Didn't lose one match that kid didn't he just couldn't beat me. You're the only one that can beat me."

"Good to know. It will be sad that after this year, I won't play against you for quite a while. But as soon as I'm out of school, I'm going to either be a professor or a professional Quidditch player like you. If it's the latter then I'm coming for your spot." I said jokingly. He laughed and patted me on the back.

"Good luck with that. You'll probably only just make it to the final round of try outs. It was pretty rough."

We had walked to the pitch to see Sam looking extremely stressed out with my team.

"You okay? You look tired and stressed. If you're not careful, your lovely blonde will become an old silvery-grey." He looked up and beamed, glad to see me.

"Thank god you're back. Now I can stop worrying about if we'll win the next match and I can focus on my potions essay I have to write 5 feet of parchment for. It's on Amortentia and the ingredients used." I nodded and said,

"You go to your dorm and do that essay. I have a notebook with notes on the qualities of different potions on, you can use that. It'll be on my dresser. I'll take over practice for you for the next few weeks. Don't object because you need time to yourself and I've had plenty of that at Hogwarts and I've been itching to get on a broom and order about a team." He just nodded and I looked at the sky where my team was.

"Anyone miss me!? I bet you've had fun with a different seeker!" I yelled. Immediately, three heads snapped to me. Fraser, Jed and Wren.

"Yo! Guys Sylv is back!" Wren yelled to the other players. They all flew down and embraced me into a large group hug.

"We've missed you so much. We thought that when you left we would lose every match but the new seeker, Will, is actually pretty good." Jed admitted.

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