ch. 1

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I sit silently as Ben gets fitted for his coronation tux and read my favourite story.

"Abby." I look up to see Ben looking out the window and know that he's looking at the island of the lost. I raise a brow. "Do you think that the kids deserve a chance?" He asks before finally looking at me. I shrug before nodding and he looks surprised. "Really?" I nod. "Do you think that it'll be good to try and give them a chance to start here?" I shrug.

"Depends on who." I sign and he nods slowly.

"Well then who would be a good choice?" He asks and I think.

"How many do you want to bring over?" I question.

"Four?" He asks and I shrug.

"Start off small then bring over more?" He nods. "Why not the worst?" He grins.

"That could work. But which four?"

"Well the worst ones are Maleficent, Evil Queen, Cruella, and Jafar." I reply and he nods.

"So start off with the worst then if this works start bringing over more villain kids?" I nod. "Thanks for helping Abby." He smiles and I grin back. I give him a small wave before leaving. He can get yelled at by dad alone.


I stand on the left side of Ben while his girlfriend, Audrey, stood on his other side while we wait for the kids. When the limo comes into view I watch as it parks and two guys come tumbling out as they fight over a blue blanket. With a brow raised I study the kids as fairy godmother does her thing before she leaves and Ben starts introducing us.

"Hello. I'm Ben-"

"Prince Ben, soon to be king." Audrey cuts in and I grit my teeth.

"This is Audrey-"

"Princess Audrey. His girlfriend, right Benny boo?" She asks as she clings to his arm. He nods before looking at me.

"And this is my twin sister, and my council, Abigail." Ben introduces me and I nod in greeting. "She doesn't speak." I notice the tall, muscular guy was watching me with curiosity and I raised a brow at him. With a nod I look to Ben to see him watching the purple haired girl. Maleficent's daughter. She seems to be the leader.

I stay behind as Ben escorts them into the dorms and watch as he turns dad's statue from man to beast and Cruella's son freaks out and jumps into the muscular guys arms.

"Carlos relax. Its just a statue. Dad had it made to transform from man to beast to symbolize that anyone can change." Ben explains as muscular guy drops Carlos. After dropping Carlos muscles walks over to me and wraps his arm around my shoulders. Ben goes to say something but I use my body weight and throw muscles onto his back. "Oh I forgot to mention that she doesn't like to be touched." Ben mentions and muscles looks up at me impressed.

"Cool." He stands to his feet. "I'm Jay." He says in a form of flirting and I nod as I look to my brother with a raised brow and he chuckles nervously.

"Are you like afraid of her?" Mal asks and Ben looks a little uncomfortable.

"She is um. She's actually one of the only ones that I would trust with my life." He answers and she doesn't look convinced.

"Of course! Everyone is afraid of the broken princess!" Audrey laughs and I stiffen as I glare at her.

"Broken princess?" Mal asks and I flip Audrey off before signing to Ben angrily.

"See?! This is why I don't like her! Well at least one of the reasons." I sign and he nods. With a huff I flip him off too before storming away while he's calling after me.


"I apologize for that. She's had a rough past." Ben explains and his girlfriend pipes in again.

"Of course I would be too if I was kidnapped and beaten by a villain and left for dead. She hasn't been the same afterwards though. Poor dear hasn't spoken a word since." She says and Mal looks interested.

"Oh? Which villain?" She asks and Ben looks really uncomfortable.

"I think that it was Hook and Ursula, right Benny boo?" Audrey asks Ben and he nods.

"Well anyway lets get to that tour." Ben starts walking away and we follow behind. We follow and Audrey gets some poor guy to show us around and give us our schedules for our classes before she pulls him away.

"Well it seems that we might be getting along great with that 'broken princess'." Mal grins and we grin back.

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