Part 4

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Besties group chat

Aspyn: OMG! I googled him. He's so cute!
Blair: yeah. He is and the accent. I am a little nervous though. I never dated in ages.
Mere: You will be fine. Call us after the date ok?

Hero called to tell me that he is already outside my condo. I rushed to meet him cause I do not want people waiting for me.

For our date, I just wore a white Gucci shirt,skinny jeans and Gucci sneakers cause he said just to wear casual.

When I went out, I saw Hero leaning to his Black Range Rover looking like he just walk out from the runway. He is wearing a plain white shirt, jeans and sneakers but he looks really good.

"Hi. You look cute!" He told me while leaning for a kiss on the cheek.

"Thanks. So where are you taking me?" I asked while I hopping to the passenger seat.

"There's a new Italian restaurant on the next street. We can try it out and if you are not yet tired we can go to my friend's party" He told me his plan while driving.

"Sounds fun! Let's do it!" I answered. I know it is too early to say but I am really physically attracted to him.

During the dinner, we shared stuff about ourselves. I just discovered that he is filming his second movie. He also said that he played the young Valdemort in Harry Potter. He explained that he trying out acting but he is a full time model.

After the dinner, he asked me if I still want to go to his friend's party, Justin Prentice's party. Since I do not want to end the night yet, I agreed to come with him.

We parked to this nice big white house where people are already drank and dancing. It looks like the usual college house parties that I am never used to.

He held my hand as we look for Justin.

"And he came!!" A familiar guy shouted.

"Hey guys, This is Blair. These are my friends, Justin, Katherine, Brandon, Ross & Alisha" Hero introduced me to the group who are seated on the huge couch.

"Are they?" I asked curiously.

"Yup. 13 reasons why people. I am actually friends with Katherine's sister first then I met them" He cut me to explain.

I am a very busy person and my only past time is to watch netflix shows. I cannot believe I am partying with them. This is fun.

Hero made sure that I won't feel left out the whole night. He just held my hand or placed his hand at my back. He is being extra sweet and I am liking it. We were enjoying until a girl arrived. Her name is Josephine, Katherine's sister.

"Hero! I thought you won't come" Josephine said while walking infront of me to hug Hero.

"Yeah. We were just in the area so I decided to drop by. This is my date Blair by the way. Blair this is Josephine" Hero introduced me but it's obvious that there's a little tension.

"Hey" Josephine looked at me then rolled her eyes.  What a bitch!

This is getting uncomfortable. Thankfully, I was saved by a private number calling me.

"Hero, I need to take this. Excuse me" I told Hero as I stepped out and go to a quiet spot.

"Hello, Is this Blair?" A thick british accent asked on the other line.

"Yes, this is Blair. How may I help you?" I asked curiously.

"Great! This is Louis. Remember? Live tinder?"
He said on the other line. I was not expecting that.

"Oh yeah. Hi. How are you?" I said trying to hide my excitement.

"I have a free time tomorrow night. I was thinking if you want to meet up tomorrow? We can go to my friend's club. We will have a private spot so you don't have to worry about the paps"

Did he just ask me out?

"Yeah. I don't have anything to do tomorrow. Just message me the plan." I replied.

"Awesome. See you tomorrow love" Louis said as he ended the call

I lowkey wanna go home and share it to my friends but I am also on a date with another hot guy. I never would have imagine I'll be going out with a model and a famous singer.

"There you are! I was looking for you. Do you wanna head home now? It's getting crowded inside already." Hero asked

"Yes. If you wanna leave already." I answered

"I cannot drink cause I am driving. I will drive you home" Hero said while holding my waist.

"I was thinking if we can have another date, maybe on weekend?" he asked.

I looked at him. He was looking at my eyes and I melted then we kissed for few seconds. Yup! We kissed. I was not able to control it. It just happened.

The ride home was nice. We were just laughing and planning our next date. It will be another party with friends but I am looking forward to get to know Hero more.

As I reached my condo. I sat on the couch and video called my best friends.

Blair: Did I wake you guys up?
Mere: Nope. I am just editing.
Aspyn: I am about to sleep. But this is more   important.
Mere: So what happened? Did you guys have sex?
Blair: Eww. Mere!!! No! We just kissed.
Aspyn: On a first date? Who are you? Haha
Blair: I know. I feel really comfortable with him. It just happened and I am happy about it.
Aspyn: Is there a second date?
Blair: Yes. On Saturday but with his friends. I have another date tomorrow though.
Mere: Another date? With whom? You seem enjoying this dating thing. Thanks to Uncle Corden.
Blair: Louis called and asked me out.
Aspyn and Blair:  OH MY GOSH!!!!!!!!
Mere: Please tell me that you are planning to get laid on your first date with him.
Blair: No. ofcourse not. I am not that girl. My dad and uncles will kill me.
Mere: Oh well. If you are planning to ditch one, I am willing to date either of them.
Blair: You know what? This conversation is not going anywhere. Goodnight girls. Love you. See you soon.

Text message from Hero:
I just got home. Hope you enjoyed our date. Can't wait to see you again. Good night Blair.

Text message from Louis:
Send me your address. I will let my driver pick you up at 8pm. I'll meet you at the club. See you tomorrow love.

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