Part 15

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I rushed downstairs and saw a black Audi sports car parked infront of my condo building. I ran towards the car to see a tipsy Harry.

"Hi" He smiled. Those dimples. Ugh!

"What are you doing here Harry?" I asked while checking if there are paparazzi hiding

"I told you I wanna see you" He added

"Ok. Did you drink a lot? It's not safe for you to drive, I hope you know that." I shook my head and he just mouthed sorry

"Anyway, do you want come inside before a paparazzi see you here outside my place?" I really don't know what will I say or do if he will agree to come to my place. I just did what I think is right. If paparazzi will spot him, he will be the face of the news again.

"Sure. If that's ok with you" He answered while turning off the engine of his car

Harry followed me to the elevator looking down. It seems like he's so used to sneaking out. I am just praying that no one will recognize him.

"Nice sleepwear" He teased while looking at my legs

"Hey! I had no time to change and ran downstairs when you told me you were outside. I got scared that paparazzi will see you drank and make up stories again" I hit his arm and he just chuckled

"Come in. Feel at home"

"Woah! Your place is nice" He said while looking around

"Thanks. Your place is nicer" I rebutted

"But look at that million dollar LA view." He was amazed and I just laughed. He's like a 10 year old boy when he's drank.

"Coffee or tea?" I asked

"Just water please" He said as he sat on my huge white couch

"So what made you come here Harry?" I sat beside him while giving him his bottled water

"Uhmm. Honestly, I want to apologize cause I can't stop thinking about how dick I was to you last week" He nervously answered

"It's ok Harry. I was just expecting that you are brave enough to tell me that you are dating someone instead of lying to me. But everything is fine now. Don't worry about it" I lied

"I invited Cara cause I know you and Hero are already getting serious. I didn't know how to react about it so I did what I do best, fuck everything up." He explained

"It's crazy for me cause I am not like this. We only had 2 dates and those were the most fun dates I've ever been. I can't stop thinking about you. And the thought of losing the chance to be with you is driving me crazy" he added

"I like you Blair. I really do"

I didn't know how to respond cause here I am again, believing everything this beautiful creature is saying.

He moved closer to me.

It's just me, him & the beautiful city lights. And those green eyes are staring at me. He has those eyes that can get you lost.

And that moment, I got lost.

I leaned forward and without thinking, my lips met his.

The way he held my face with his hand was gentle and romantic. The scent of alcohol and mint on his breath was heavenly. His soft red lips are addicting.

It's our first kiss and it was perfect.

And that moment I knew, I also like him.

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