Something I Can't Have

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Jimin crosses the A-deck foyer, sighting Yoongi at the landing above. Overhead is the crystal dome. Yoongi has his back to him, studying the ornate clock with its carved of Honor and Glory. It softly strikes the hour.

Jimin goes up the sweeping staircase toward him. Yoongi turns, sees Jimin and smiles. 

"Want to go to a real party?" 


The crowd is alive with music and laughter. An ad hoc band is gathered near the upright piano, honking out lively stomping music on fiddle, accordion and tambourine. People of all ages were dancing, drinking beer and wine, smoking, laughing, even brawling.

Jungkook hands Jimin a pint of stout and Jimin hoists it. Yoongi meanwhile dances with five-year-old Sok Minji, or tries to, with her standing on his feet. As the tune ends, Jimin leans down to the little girl.

"May I cut in, miss?"

"You're still my best girl, Minji." Yoongi smiles.

Minji scampers off. Jimin and Yoongi face each other. Jimin is trembling as the older male takes his right hand in his left. His other slides to the small of Jimin's back. It is an electrifying moment.

"I don't know the steps." Jimin says, worriedly.

"Just move with me. Don't think." Yoongi reassures. 

The music starts and they are off. A little awkward at first, Jimin starts to get into it. He grins at Yoongi as he starts to get the rhythm of the song.

"Wait. Stop!" Jimin bends down, pulling of his slight-heeled boots, and flings them to Jungkook. Then he grabs Yoongi and they plunge back into the fray, dancing faster as the music speeds up. 

Inside the third class general room, it is rowdy and rollicking. A table gets knocked over as a drunk crashes into it. And in the middle of it, Jimin dances with Yoongi in his socked feet. The steps are fast and he shines with sweat. A space opens around them, and people watch them, clapping as the band plays faster and faster.

Hoseok and Helga's dancing has obviated the need for a common language. Hoseok whirls her, then she responds by whirling him. Hoseok's eyes go wide when he realizes she's stronger than he is. 

The tune ends in a mad rush. Yoongi steps away from Jimin with a flourish, allowing the younger boy to take a bow. Exhilarated and slightly tipsy, Jimin does a graceful ballet ployer, feet turned out perfectly. Everyone laughs and applauds. Jimin is a hit with the steerage folks, who've never had a prince party with them.

They move to a table, flushed and sweaty. Jimin grabs Hoseok's cigarette and takes a big drag. He's feeling cocky. Hoseok is grinning, holding hands with Helga. 

"How you two doin'?" Yoongi asks them.

Hoseok smiles wide. "I don't know what she's saying, she doesn't know what I'm saying, so we get along fine."

Everyone laughs as Jungkook walks up with a pint for each of them. Jimin chugs his, showing off. "You think a first class boy can't drink?"

Everybody else is dancing again, and Kim Seokjin crashes into Jungkook, who sloshes his beer over Jimin's expensive outfit. Jimin laughs, not caring, but Jungkooks lunges, grabbing Jin and wheeling him around. "You stupid bastard!"

Seokjin comes around, his fists coming up, and Yoongi leaps into the middle of it, pushing them apart. "Boys, boys! Did I ever tell you the one about the two koreans goin' to the whorehouse?"

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