[ 8 ] bleeding hearts

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❝ heaven in hiding ❞

CHAPTER EIGHT❝ heaven in hiding ❞

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                 ELLARIA HAD SECRETS. Most people did. The secrets that were held within the school went from having secret crushes on other students to witnessing things they were not supposed to. She wanted to have those kinds of secrets, they were harmless at some degree and could be buried to some point.

    However, her secrets were more lethal.

    She had woken up from a nightmare a few minutes ago, gasping for the air that she had been deprived of. Shaking as violently as a leaf in the winter solstice, holding onto the little sanity that was left in her.

    Fortunately, the screams that she had let out were not loud enough to wake up any of her house or dorm mates. While the rest of the girls were soundly sleeping, engulfed in the sweet dreams that they had been blessed with, Ellaria was sitting on the sterile cold bathroom floor, her eyes closed with force.

    Her breathing was heavy and agitated, and all she wanted to do was run away. Get out of the room, the castle, everything that was holding her back. Away from everything that was preventing her from being who she really was.

For the protection of everyone in the school and herself, the Headmaster had made a deal with her upon her arrival in first year. She was not to harm any student or demonstrate what she could do. She wasn't going to draw attention to herself and she had to stay calm in a heated moment in case of confrontation, and the most important part...she needed to have control.


    She hated that word. It made her feel in a cage, trapped, suffocated. She had to drown in her own sorrow, for what? To pretend to be someone that wasn't her?

    Ella let go of her head and put her hands around her mouth, preventing a scream from coming out. She had to keep herself grounded in order to learn. There was no one that could help her, she was on her own.

    She rocked herself, resting her head in the cold concrete of the four walls that were holding her back. The ones that were keeping the other students safe. Away from her.

   Ellaria's father's side of the family was cursed. When she was born, her father hoped that she didn't inherit their "gift", but at the mere age of three, she made flowers grow around her when she laughed. Her father, broken-hearted, held her, crying and cursing at the world. Nevertheless, despite all the future pain, he taught her everything he knew.

   The Terran family was an ancient one, living in the shadows of their own greatness. For generations, the gift of earth-bending and nature-centered was passed down through their bloodline. From controlling nature around them, manipulating all of the natural factors, and developing enhanced senses, the Terran members were powerful. There was a moment of peace for the elementals, but once magic folk started to rise against one another, that's when the true ending began.

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