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❝ blood-bonded ❞

CHAPTER ELEVEN❝ blood-bonded ❞

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ELLARIA KNEW THE PRICE. Everything came with a consequence; good or bad, no one could ever know. But one thing was for sure, life and death had a price. An expensive one.

As the loud conversations and cheering began to make their way through her skin, she exhaled deeply. Even though she wasn't feeling sociable that day, she still decided to go to the quidditch match that was going to happen within the next minutes.

Slytherin versus Ravenclaw was something everyone anticipated to watch. Perhaps it wasn't the same energy as a Slytherin versus Gryffindor match, but still, people were excited to find out who was closer to winning the house cup everyone so much longed.

She walked alone to the quidditch pitch. Earlier on the day, she had wished her best friend good luck on the game, doing their little secret handshake to increase his chances. As she pushed herself onto her tiptoes to look for a good spot in front of one of the towers, someone accidentally pushed her, causing her to almost lose balance.

    For a second, she thought of Remus. It had become a rather usual matter of greeting for them, crashing into each other. But when a female voice spoke, she couldn't help but feel a bit disappointed.

    "I am so sorry—oh, hi, Ellaria"

    Ella looked up, only to be greeted by two of the most beautiful emerald eyes. She immediately smiled, recognizing the girl.

    "Hello, Lily"

    "I'm really sorry I pushed you, I swear it wasn't my intention, people are horribly rude when it comes to seats" Lily shook her head, looking at the girl with worry on her face. The noise around them caused them to stand close, it was the only way if they wanted to hear each other.

    "It's perfectly alright, don't worry" Ellaria grinned, trying to ease the problem. Although Lily still felt bad, she nodded, knowing Ella understood.

    The two were not close, but they knew enough of each other to call themselves acquaintances, friends even. They had first talked in their third year, the two were one of the top students in most classes, and even though Ella wasn't as talkative, they still got along. Lily thought she was one of the sweetest girls in their year, especially after she had witnessed how Ella helped their fellow classmates with stuff they didn't understand.

    The voice of the commentator brought them back to reality, announcing that the game was about to start. Lily turned to face her, remembering that her friend was playing and she was going to stand alone. A light erupted in her eyes, smiling in excitement as she looked at her.

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