Wise -part 2

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She knew what the feelings she felt were and who ignited them but didn't fight them. It was pointless as she had already fallen for him. Though she had other doubts.

Was he really shunned by the people for believing the unbelievable, or was it because of her? She asked herself this thought daily.

"I keep having a hard time believing it, seeing as you are handsome and associated with authority." Although now also associated with her, like the good friends they were.

"That doesn't define who I am, I don't care what my dad does for a living or the gossip about us, but the people here do. They are opinionated and let it show."
He frowned upon seeing the delicate smile on her face.

"You know you are the only person outside of my family that has treated me without disgust clear on your face. It is a nice change. Thank you."

"I'm just being myself, I didn't know folks around here forget to be decent human beings to..such pure individuals." He muttered his last words, looking directly into her dimmed expression.

"Anyway, that is not the point we have no proof of any of this. We need to uncover the threat to the townspeople. Fear of the unknown provokes them is what I've learned."

"You're right, once again."
Together, they set out into the forest on an early evening after their everyday chores. It was not hard to tell her whereabouts to her mother. She could not stop a wandering soul. Abe, on the other hand, needed to convince his father that he was not roaming for unusual and foolish matters. He did not mention anything of that would make him suffer consequences. Later on, instead, he told his father he would be out hunting for practice.

They heard low noises, normal and non-frightening, the deeper they trekked the more tracks seen on the ground from what was suspected as wolves or coyotes. It was all too common, no great sense of danger when prepared and armed.

On their journey, they took a break and sat on a rock formation that resembled a waterfall, flat and broad, but it carried no water under the stack of mismatched stones. 

"I have been thinking about you as of late and what you mean to me," She started with one hand on the ground and the other placed near her chest.

He nodded as her voice captured his full attention. "Tell me."

Her smile put the crescent moon to shame. His thoughts beset by her every move at that moment. "I care about you so much." 

"I—" He wanted to proclaim the feelings inside him were mutual.

"Let me finish," She lifted a hand to stop him from interrupting her deep thoughts.
"I feel as if we were meant to meet and build this relationship because...you're my soulmate."

He reached behind her neck ever so slowly, with her consent closing the space between them with his lips to hers.

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