Is this how you're supposed to protect her?

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~The next day~

~ Hadiyah~

I and Fahad were going to pick Arfa from her childcare. Fahad had as per usual made it a point to embarrass me in front of every friend of mine whom we chanced to meet. He, being the perfectly irritating gentleman that he was, carried an umbrella to shield me from the Baluchistani hot sun. He didn't want my 'milk-white' skin to loose even the slightest bit of it's fairness.

"Hadiyah, don't you dare object."

"Kia matlab bhai, mainay tau kuch nahe kaha.(what do u mean? I haven't said anything!)"

"Well don't even think of objecting."


"I mean it."

"I know that you mean it Fahad, why the insistence?"

"Its because you're dumb."

"I'm not dumb."

"Yes, you are."

"Am not."

"Are too."

"Stop it." The meany, he called me dumb over and over again. I felt bad, I asked him to stop. He didn't, I began to cry.

"I'm sorry, Hadiyah."

"Get lost you idiot." His face changed colour, he turned pale. Well he deserved being called an idiot! He'd been so mean to me. Why was he acting so compassionate all of a sudden.

"I hate you and I hope that the other 'meany' Khalid beats the hell out of you!" I said spitefully in between my tears, I realised my mistake as soon as I looked at him. How in the world could a meany, such as himself, look so angelic and sorry.

"Stop making that face, right now!" I screamed at him.

"What face?"

"That, 'I'm extremely sorry and I'm super innocent face."

"Well then promise me you won't put me and 'him' in the same bracket again."

"That depends on you. I ain't promising nothing." I had stopped crying and started to walk towards Arfa's childcare again. He was quick to follow my lead. The childcare was around half an hour on foot from our house. It is quite common to walk on foot in the village.

"Fahad do you feel like you're being watched?"

"No, why?"

"I think someone's following us or something." At that I felt him tense up, we had reached the childcare.

"Hadiyah, I want you to go in and stay in unless I come to get you myself."

"But wh-",

"Go! Now!"

I ran into the childcare. I didn't object but curiosity got the better of me and I looked back at him. It was Khalid and his gang. How in the world would we got home today?


The "khalid gang' or rather Khalid, Yusuf and three of Khalid's bodyguards stood towering over Fahad. Actually the guards stood towering over him for Khalid and Yousuf were considerably shorter. Khalid smirked at Fahad.

"That was Hadiyah, right?"

"Why are you here?"

"Do you have amnesia or something? Remember our little bet from yesterday?"

"Isn't it unfair to bring along your bodyguards?"

"Why, are you scared?"

"No I feel like jumping around happily, get real man I'm a twelve year old, why wouldn't I feel threatened?"

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