6.Tik toking, no more lip-locking

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But over the summer, something happened. He started to blow up. We had told me about tik tok, I pushed it aside I didn't pay any mind to it. But suddenly he got 100k followers, started getting millions of views on his dancing videos. He was always on his phone. He even got twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook.

 He was suddenly someone,a "star".His phone was always out, he was so busy, 

"I can't hang out I got stuff to film". 

I understood at least I made it seem that way.

and then came the thirsting, millions of girls throwing themselves on him. Every single girl in the world was in his dm's trying to get a piece of him. I know they were fans but still. And he even replied to some, it made me sick "they're just fans", "that's what they do", "they're innocent" but do you see me responding to guys who want to fuck me. That argument was repeated almost every week.

the worst thing was that I was invisible, no trace of me anywhere, not an Instagram post, not an Instagram story where I was present, not on one tik tok, not even a twitter mention. I was nowhere. I had seen other influencers relentlessly show off their girlfriends, flirting in the comments, asking for edits of them from their fans. But all I had was that one time he liked my picture.

The numbers just kept getting higher and higher and obviously I was so happy for him. But his success story seemed not to include me.

not a priority.

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