8.Rearview mirror

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It was Thursday night, I had not heard from Ondreaz all week. I wanted to hear from him. I wanted him to want me.

I tried to call him

no response

I called him again

-the voicemail you have reached...

I hanged up

Typical, I thought to myself

My aunt was having a family get together, I had brought Ondreaz as my plus one, and I'm not going to lie I was kind of nervous.Meeting families was a huge deal.

I like him, my great grandmother said as we both watched Dre play with my little cousin on the garden

I like him too-I thought to myself

We were cuddling on his bed, on a late Sunday afternoon. Only ones on the house

I was wearing his hoodie. He was dead asleep next to me. I ran my finger through his hair. He looks so peaceful while sleeping.I wished he could have stayed that way forever.

Carson and I were walking to our finance class, a class we both had. I had convinced Carson to at least join 1 class on community college.and in true bestie fashion, we choose one together.

So, you and that Ondreaz guy are kinda serious, right?-The bell was ringing, students were walking, some chatting

not really, I said trying to avoid the subject. I love Carson but we usually spare ourselves from the details of our relationships.

why do you care?

looking out for my BFF-he responded 

aww! but seriously what about you, any chicks grab ur eye?


but seriously Y/N are you sure he's treating you right?

I'm good-I sort of lied

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