22.With ease

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I had just finished my shift, at my brand new job at a new clothing store downtown. Ondreaz was 5 minutes away in my car ready to pick me up. Despite it being 6 pm, it was still clear as day. With schools letting out for summer break, you could really feel the relaxed attitude in the air.

My car pulled up to the front of the store.


"Hey" I responded, yet mine came out as "haay"

I got in the driver's seat, Ondreaz rested his hand on my thigh.We drove in absolute silence but it was fine. It was comfortable, it felt right.No words needed to be said. I rolled down the window, the warm summer air caressing my face. Trees and landscapes passing us through the windows.

"I'm not ready to go home"-Ondreaz said

"me neither"

and with that we were pulling up to the local boardwalk, pulling up to a parking spot in the cliff overlooking the boardwalk.

we both sat in the car admiring the beautiful view and the calmness of it all, staring right ahead.

I finally turned my head to face Ondreaz, he was still staring at the sunset. Realizing, he faced me and soon his soft lips were in mine.

We walked down the boardwalk, observing different tourists.Sea gulls floating over us.

Halfway down the pier, we meet an adorable toddler with ringlets of gold hair.Ondreaz scooped her up

"hi princess! is your mom around?"

the little girl nodded, a binkie still in her mouth

"can you show us where?"

he continued to ask, I couldn't believe how adorable he was acting. He put the little girl down

put the moment she was down the little girl squealed and ran towards Ondreaz's leg, hugging him.

Ondreaz froze and let out a laugh

suddenly a frazzled middle-aged woman appeared out of nowhere


quickly picking up the tot and pulling her away

"bye-bye," we both said and her chubby little hand waved back

"I wouldn't mind a couple of those" Ondreaz grinned

I slapped him playfully

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