The Mansion | Chapter 4

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After what had happened to Fii Un allowed her and Sevara to rest for the day. Sevara took that opportunity to show Fii around the mansion.

Their first stop were the gardens.
The gardens were a large area with many colourful trees and flowers. Other slaves and servants were plucking those flowers or were trimming the trees and bushes.
But as beautiful as it was, the walls of the mansion were still surrounding this marvelous place.

"These are the gardens. We keep them as well trimmed and as beautiful as we can. It's one of the most free places that us slaves can enjoy," Sevara said.

"They are beautiful. But those walls..."

"Can't do anything about them. It's still a part of the mansion afterall."

Further ahead they saw a male Kitsune who was carrying a bunch of branches out of the garden. He seemed to be having a hard time carrying them all. Without a second thought, Sevara slithered towards him and helped him carry them to the mansion until a group of servants and slaves took her place.
They thanked her and she returned to Fii.

"Why did you help him?" Fii asked.

"It would have been rude if I didn't. He was carrying too much for his own strength. I-I'm not saying you're rude for not helping though! A-after all you went through I perfectly understand why you don't trust people you don't know!"

"D-don't worry about it. Let's just continue," Fii said and Sevara agreed.

Before they left the garden Fii took one last glance at the walls surrounding the garden. They were high, but not as tall as a building.

"Are you coming, Fii?"

"Y-yes, sorry!"

They went back in the mansion. After a few turns they reached the kitchen area. The entire kitchen area consisted out of four large rooms. A storage room for the ingredients, a storage room for the prepared food and two large kitchens.

"The slaves prepare the food. Ravla is looking over them. He's a servant just below Un and the chef of the kitchen," Sevara explained.

"Ravla? That's a strange name. What is he?"

As if right on cue a small, half a metre tall insect like humanoid jumped from the ceiling and began scolding one of the slaves.

Ravla had a humanoid upper body with green hands. His lower body had four green grasshopper like legs and an abdomen with wings. On his head were two green feelers hidden in his spikey, short, green hair. His stern eyes shone in a sapphire blue and the two mandibles that grew from his jawline looked like they could break open a coconut.

"What do you think you're doing!? Put that garlic away!" Ravla shouted and kicked the garlic out of the servants hands.

"B-but the recipe said I should-"

"What do I care about the recipe! Stop putting so much garlic in the food! There's enough garlic in there to kill every vampire in Amaldia! And you over there! That chicken is so raw it's still laying eggs!! Put it back into the oven right now!!!"

"He's a... very angry insectoid..." Fii said as she witnessed Ravla's 'rampage'.

"Ravla has a very short temper, but a kind heart. Still, I don't think we should stay here, or else he might get angry at us for distracting the others."

They left the kitchen and walked downstairs. At the end of a long corridor was a door leading to the scullery. Inside the scullery were a bunch of large barrels filled with bubbly, soapy water and carts with washed and dirty laundry were driving in and out of the room.

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