Another Succubus | Chapter 14

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"Mistress? Are you alright?" Jill asked as she entered Viridia's office.

Jill wasn't wearing her maid uniform. Instead she was wearing black sweatpants and a short plain white t-shirt. Around her stomach was a tight layer of Band-Aids.

"Shouldn't I be the one asking that? You shouldn't exert yourself with that wound of yours," Viridia stated.

"It's not like much of my blood got spilled. I've told the nurses they don't have to worry about me too, but they won't allow me to do my job."

"For good reasons. Look at you! You need rest!"

"I assure you that I don't need rest, Mistress! Besides, the chimera's got it worse than me. She can barely move. She helped us fight the bandersnatch and even saved Fii. We should be worried about her, not a scratch on the stomach. Her physical healing might be great, but she must be in shock!"

"The chimera, huh...? Honestly, I was surprised to see her help you. But that doesn't change the fact that you are my head-maid! You will rest until you've fully recovered! That's an order!"


"No 'buts'! I'm the mistress of this house so do what I say!"

"(Viridia's scary when she actually takes superiority the way she's supposed to for once)" Jill thought to herself.

"So why did you come here when the nurses told you to rest?" The succubus asked.

"Oh, I almost forgot! Un told me that the bandersnatch once was a friend of your father. If that's the case then it must have been hard to kill him."

"*Sigh* So Un spilled the beans? I should punish him for that... maybe I'll cancel his boar hunt tomorrow... But yes, the bandersnatch was a person that I knew. Although I barely ever met Klaus he always seemed to be somewhat jealous of my father."

"Why was that?"

"From what I've heard he fell in love with my mother, but since he didn't want to hurt my father, because they were friends, he kept it a secret from most people. My father found out though and tried to talk with Klaus about it. Klaus was full of envy and before my father could help him he ran away. He returned as the bandersnatch and my parents captured him," Viridia explained to Jill, "You cannot reverse the transformation into a phantasmic beast and I had long accepted the fact that Klaus had to die. It's not weighting me down anymore, but thank you for asking, Jill."

"I'm always here to help, Mistress."

"But that's enough helping for today! Go to the infirmary and recover! You're only human, don't overestimate yourself!"

"I will, my mistress," Jill replied with a short bow and left the room.

"*Sigh* Geez... Really, who does she think she is, taking her job so seriously?" Viridia scratched the back of her head before returning to the paperwork, "I guess now it's my turn to take my responsibilities serious, isn't it? No wonder my parents fucked so much. This paper stuff is stressing me out... Hm?"

Viridia picked up Amy's letter and read it again. She put it down and let out a heavy sigh, "Where the hell was she... All of this happened because I wasn't in the mansion. I didn't even find Amy in Dorir. What a waste of time! But I am curious as to how the bandersnatch escaped... Some servants said there were no signs of a forceful escape... The only thing that could do that would be a ghost, but I don't sense anything that would feel like a ghostly presence. Whoever let him out is already gone."

Viridia leaned back and stared at the ceiling of her office. She was already so bored of her work and the bandersnatch's escape just wouldn't get out of her mind.

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