Meeting the King | Chapter 17

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After nine long hours of travel the carriage finally arrived at Schlossburg. The massive city made the town of Amstadt look like a small collection of countryside houses and Viridia's mansion looked like a one-room apartment in comparison to the massive golden castle at the heart of the city.

Fii was in awe at the glorious sight of the large city while Viridia on the other hand felt uneasy. While the church was at its strongest in the holy city Juralia, Schlossburg was a close second when it came to ethical power.
There's no need to explain why a demon would feel nervous in a town full of religious people.

After entering the city it took the carriage another 20 minutes until it finally reached the entrance gate of the castle.

"I will bring the carriage and the kirins to the stables. After that I will load your luggage into your suites," Un stated after everyone exited the carriage.

"Do you know where all those places are?" Fii wondered.

"After completing my studies as a butler I was sent here for my first year. I should still remember where everything is, unless they changed the layout of the castle. Even if I get lost, I am sure that the staff will help me find the right way."

With those words Un left them and they entered the castle. The inside of the castle was as breathtaking as the outside. The hallways were colossal and rows upon rows of decorative platinum armours and weapons were standing on the sides.

There were statues at each turn and expensive paintings wherever the hallways split. The red carpet pronounced the bright golden walls, that the hallways leading to the throne room had, perfectly.

It was a surprisingly long walk from the entrance gate to the throne room.
In the middle of the platinum and gold room stood a large round mahogany table with a large magenta tablecloth and a small dragon statue on it.

The throne stood all the way on the other side on an elevated platform. It was a golden throne with scarlet red padding and a diamond crown engraved on the back of the throne. The throne itself was large enough to lie down on it, yet the king sat upright and formally, awaiting his guests.

The King wore a beautifully decorated blue mythril armour with a large, red, feathery cloak on his back. The king's platinum crown shone brightly in the light of the sun, which shone through the massive open windows near the ceiling.

He was around 35 years old and had short brown hair and a short beard. His narrow blue eyes seemed to constantly judge their surroundings.

"I welcome you to Schlossburg. I am king Albert III. You must be the demon representative of Iria Behamoth. I was expecting something... more horrid if her description of you is to be believed," the king greeted Viridia and Fii.

"Something horrid, eh? That bitch! Erherm... Yes, I am the representative of Iria Behamoth, your highness. My name is Viridia Vandela, my family has owned the land around Amstadt for the past 200 years and it is an honour to meet you in person," Viridia greeted and bowed, "that harpy next to me is Fii. She is my loyal slave and I am hoping that she will be treated with respect in the castle. I am the only one that is allowed to give her orders, is what I mean to say with that."

"A respectful greeting followed by a selfish demand... I knew that Behamoth's description was incorrect. The Vandela family is known for their exceptionally questionable way of holding their slaves and their assertiveness among other nobility. What Behamoth wrote was a line of insults," the king revealed.

"Oh, did she now!?" Viridia growled silently.

"I am relieved to see that her description was wrong, but I'm taking that our negotiations won't be as much centered around the demon realm as I had hoped, will they?"

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