School treat (a Josh Hutcherson fan fic)

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I woke suddenly. My lips were cold and stuck together. I raised my head from my soft pillow and realised it was Monday. My head instantly sank back down onto the fluffy pillow case. My mum shouted from downstairs to wake me up. I slipped my feet out of bed and onto the back fluffy rug on the floor. My feet delved into the soft fabric and I didn't want to ever leave my room. My mum shouted again. This time I groaned back to tell her I was up. I staggered to the bathroom and tried to make myself look human. After half an hour I was ready and leaving for school. My friend Lisa was waiting at the bus stop where we always meet. She ran up to me and I was embraced into a hug.

"Hey!" She shouted so everyone could hear. She seemed excited which surprised me because we both hate Mondays. Especially because of our college. It was our last year and we were glad to be leaving. In a few weeks I would be 18 and I would move out of my parents house into my own flat.

"Hey" I eventually replied to Lisa. My throat was sore because of the cold air in the night.

"I wonder what our mystery treat will be." She exclaimed.

"Knowing our school it won't be much. Probably just a trip to the museum or something"

Our school had promised us a treat as last week we finished our exams. No more exams. I should be happy. But it's Monday. So I'm not.

"We will just have to wait and see wont we."she said nodding her head towards the road indicating that the bus was coming. We hopped on paid our money and sat down. I hated getting the bus but I didn't have my driving license yet and nor did Lisa.

We entered the school and sighed. The shabby floors and walls were depressing to witness every day. We walked slowly so that we could catch up with our friends Connor and Lewis.

"So girls what do you two think the mystery surprise will be?"said Lewis

"I've already told you Lew it will probs just be another museum trip like last time."Connor replied.

"We'll I hope it's better." Lewis remarked.

We walked quicker as we saw a group of girls and a couple of boys standing around a notice board. When they finally moved about three hours later we got to read the notice they were so excitable over.

Mystery guest as school treat.

That's what it said. None of us because excited about that and we just walked along.

"Oh my god did you see the interview with Josh and Liam" Lisa asked delightedly. Before I got to reply Connor said

"Your not still going on about them two are you?"

"We'll it's not Liam we are interested in."I pointed out.

"It's JOSH" Lisa practically screamed. I smiled and imagined what it would be like to meet him. Not that I had any confidence anything would happen because I hadn't had any look with boys since year 3. We creeped along the corridor until we got to the main hall. We had an assembly meeting and everyone was needed. We never had meetings like this so I presumed that it would be about the reward.

"First of all." Boomed our head teacher Mr Byrnes. "Congratulations on finishing your exams. I'm sure you all did very well. Your reward is a celebrity guest who has recently flown from America and has agreed to come and meet you all. They shall be here within 10mins."

Whispers spread about the hall.

"Silence" the booming voice spoke again. Mr Byrnes' expression had changed. He looked concerned. "I have recently gathered information that someone either in this school or someone outside this school has been setting fires outside of the school premises. Now I assure you that if I find out who the culprit is there will be very serious consequences." As the hall fell silent the door swung open making everyone gasp. It was Mrs Sullivan the Science professor. We couldn't quite make out what she was saying but what we did hear was a muffled.

"He here.."

Everyone looked around the hall. The celebrity is here in our school. Who will it be? I hope he notices me I thought to myself. No don't be stupid why would he notice you. The door slammed open again and stepped in two men in black suits wearing ear pieces. It was evident that this celebrity was someone famous or important because they had bodyguards. The hall went quiet again and you could hear a pin drop. Before the door had time to close properly the celebrity walked through.

Hey hope you like the story shofar read the next chapter to find out who the mystery celebrity is. Ok thank you all for reading xx

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