Chapter 6

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When I went home I was in my own world. I walked into the living room without even looking at my Mum. I had had the time of my life. I slumped onto the sofa and didn't move. My mum was watching the TV in the kitchen. I heard a gasp from the kitchen. I ran in without realising and saw my mum staring at the TV. There was me and Josh in our own place. KISSING. OMG how is that possible. I felt anger spread through my body. I was so angry at Josh. My phone started to ring in my pocket and when I saw who it was I answered it.
"Hi" I said sternly.
"OMG Ali I promise. I promise it wasn't my fault!" He sounded like he was panicking.
"Don't call me Ali. You don't deserve it. You led them right to us Josh. I thought you were different. But really your just like every other celeb. All you care about is publicity."
"I..." But he couldn't finish because I put down the phone before he could explain. I ran to my room and cried. I cried for ages. And ages. And ages. My phone rang again. I didn't bother looking at it for I thought it would be Josh. Then it stopped ringing. I was relieved and then it started up again. I forced myself to look who it was. It was Lisa.
"Hi Lisa."
"Ali. Ali are you ok? I saw you on the telly. Awww that's so cute but what's up why are you crying?"
"I think Josh invited the camera men to come with us. And he just used me for publicity."
"Do you actually believe that?" She asked.
I thought about this. I didn't know what I believed.
"I will see you tomorrow." And with that I put the phone down.

When I woke up I remembered what had happened. I brushed away the tears and got ready for college. I drove slowly to school and when I got out of my car I walked straight to the ensemble. I didn't wait for Lisa or Connor or Lewis. I just wanted to be alone. Matthew wasn't in the ensemble and I was pleased. I sat down and played the same song over and over. Then I cried again because this is the song I had played to Josh. I played lots of different songs and eventually got bored and started to write a new song. No doubt by now I had missed my first lesson but I didn't care. I finished writing my song and sat there wondering what to do. I got out my History book and wrote up some work I had missed and also got bored doing that. I plugged my earphones into my ears and played some music. Before long I was asleep.

My eyes fluttered open and all I could see what thick smoke at the top of the room. I got down onto my hands and knees and felt around for the door. I couldn't see a thing. My lungs were burning and my ears were ringing. When I eventually found the door I tried to open it from the floor but couldn't muster the strength. I stood up holding my breath and still couldn't open the door. There was a window next to the door but I knew better than to smash it. Through it I could see flames. The fire lighters had struck again and had succeeded. I was so frightened. I tugged and pulled on the door. I even tried to push it. I collapsed onto the floor because all of the strength had been washed out of me. I'm going to die: I'm going to die in here all alone; without anyone. I lay there motionless. This is the end I was thinking. Horrible thoughts ran through my head. I started to scream but my lungs were ripped open. Oh God please help me. Just as I had that thought in my head I heard a crashing sound from outside of the Ensemble.
"Move away from the door!" Shouted a familiar voice. I moved as far as I could on my weak arms and legs. And the door smashed open. I heard coughing and realised that it was me. I was pulled to my feet by strong arms and instantly fell over again. I couldn't do it. I couldn't move. Then I was raised into the air by stronger but softer hands and was carried through the door. From what I could see my rescuer had cuts all over his face and a burn on his arm. Also I could see the worry on his face as he looked around for a way out.
"Hold your breath." He advised. I closed my mouth and he ran through a door. This obviously hurt him as he sighed loudly. He ran as quickly as he could before he started coughing. I saw light. Nice light from outside. Yes. We were nearly out. I coughed some more and I started to shake. Then we were out of the door. I was placed on the steps and was cradled in Josh's arms. After everything he had saved me. Or was that just for publicity as well. I started to weep and then there was a scream. A loud scream coming from the building. Josh's arms left my shoulders and when I turned he was running back into the burning building. A building which almost as quickly exploded.

School treat (a Josh Hutcherson fan fic)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt