Chapter 2

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I couldn't believe my eyes. My mouth dropped instantly to the floor. I rubbed my eyes to check I wasn't dreaming. I blinked and when I opened my eyes he was still stood there at the front of the hall. His big grin spread across his face. His hair sticking up in odd places. That made me smile. His eyes sparkled as the brown struck right through me. OMG I thought. Josh Hutcherson was here. He was here in my school. Stood less than 20 feet away from me. I blushed. He looked at me. Well in my direction anyway and OMG I nearly fainted. I realised I was over reacting and sat up straight and pulled myself together. He spoke to us for a while his voice loud but nice and his smile forever spread across his face. His teeth were perfectly lined and pearly white. His hair still stuck about as much as he tried to fix it. When he finished talking he bowed in a joking way and applause filled the hall. The noise blocked out the sound of his bodyguards shouting him to leave the room. I watched as he left the room. He looked back before stepping through. He seemed to look at me again but I just brushed it off. Then the hall got even louder with the chatter from everyone. Lisa shouted to me.
"Ohhhh myyyy goodddd!!" I just smiled stupidly. Then Lewis and Connor started arguing.
"Erm I believe you owe me ten pounds Connor."
"I never agreed to anything of the sort."
"Yes you did. You said 'if they ever get to see him in person I will give you ten pounds."
"Ok ok don't bite my head off."
I saw Connor reach into his pocket and pull out a ten pound note. Then they started laughing together. Me and Lisa hugged and we smiled together again.

The hall started to empty and as I left we saw the two body guards making a cup of tea in the teachers room. Josh wasn't with them. We walked down the corridor until I got to the tiny ensemble.
"Well bye then." Said Lisa.
I waited for her to go Round the corner and opened the door. I was shocked because stood in the middle of the tiny ensemble was a man wearing a grey suit with untidy brown hair. He turned and saw me stood at the door. But he didn't look worried or confused he was just smiling at me.
"Sorry I didn't realise I. Erm I will go er."
"No it's fine." He said his voice friendly. Even friendlier than in the assembly hall." Im Josh. Josh Hutcherson. But I'm sure you already know that."
I just stood there shifting the weight between my feet.
"What's your name?" He asked really politely.
"Oh ok that's a nice name."
"But people call me Ali." I added almost too quickly.
"We'll it's nice to meet you. Ali." He spoke softly.
I bent down to pick up my guitar and he was closer to me when I rose. I blushed awkwardly. To my surprise He blushed too.
"You play?" He asked.
"Well yeh kind of."
"I'd like to hear please"
"What?" I asked.
"I would love to hear you play. Unless you have somewhere to be."
"No I normally practice in here actually." I hinted.
"Oh." He realised. "I'm invading your space. Sorry" he put his hands up in a mocking way.
"No it's fine." I was about to leave when he grabbed my wrist. Josh Hutcherson was actually touching me. OMG.
"Hey you were supposed to play for me." He sighed.
"I didn't know you were actually being serious."
"Yeh. I could do with some entertainment. And company." He looked at the floor in a sad way.
"Ok. But I don't normally play for people so I'm sorry if I screw up." He smiled in a cunning way and I sat down on my favourite playing seat. He sat directly opposite and I started to play. The tune was soothing and my head lulled as I played. Josh moved his head as if he was enjoying the music. I was proud. Then I started to play a different song. One he obviously knew the words to as he started to sing the words loudly and very out of tune. We both lauded out loud and as I put my hand on to my guitar case he did too. And then our hands were touching.

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