Chapter 4

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I woke to my phone buzzing. It was a text from Lisa.

Text me all the details later. Have fun. ;)
Love yah xx

I checked the time. Half past five. Oh no. I had to get ready. I jumped into the shower and when I got out i quickly dried my hair. This made it more frizzy. I put a plait at the back going across my hair. I thought this was a pretty hairstyle to have. I put on my makeup trying not to make it too sloppy. I finished at half past 6. I decided to wear something modest and settled on light blur skinny jeans and a pretty black lace top with a bow at the back. I put on my choker necklace and tied my favourite band around my wrist. I put in my stud earrings and decided I was ready. I grabbed my jacket from in my wardrobe and pulled my purse out of my school bag as I got a text.

Josh H
I'm outside. Sorry I'm so early. I couldn't keep away :) xx

I smiled cheekily at that and stalked downstairs. It was dull outside but not fully dark yet. Josh's car was gorgeous. It was a black Audi TT with a convertible roof. The roof was down and he was in the front seat wearing sunglasses. When he saw me walking down the garden path he jumped out of the car without even opening the door and got to me before I made it to the car. He opened the door for me.
"Thanks" I smiled at him.
"My pleasure" he grinned back.
"I love your car." I said. He looked pleased. " it's gorgeous."
"Like something else I know." He glanced at me and he blushed at the same time as me. He started up the engine and the radio automatically came on. He started to sing along on the way to the cinema. I laughed at him and he looked at me as if he had no idea what I was laughing at. He was so funny but nice at the same time. We pulled up outside of the cinema. I instantly understood why he picked to come at nearly 7. There was only a few people in the car park and hardly any of them bothered us. There was an old couple hobbling along and the woman said
"Oh look there's that nice boy from the movies."
Josh laughed and waved kindly to the old lady. I smiled and waved to her too. A little girl with her dad waved but I'm not sure if she even knew who Josh was. Once we were inside we realised that we weren't going to be bothered much tonight. I sighed with relief and so did Josh. He asked me which film I would like to watch and then he bought tickets. I offered to pay for the popcorn but he wouldn't hear of it. He payed for our popcorn and drinks as well. We entered the cinema screening room and there were only two people in there. They were another couple who looked to be in there mid thirties. I was glad there wasn't a big crowd of people. We sat at the very back behind the couple and saw that they were holding hands and the woman had her head rested on her partners shoulder. It was cute. We started talking quietly and then the film started. We stopped talking and got into the film. We occasionally asked each other questions and chatted but not so much so that we didn't miss the film. It was a really good film and Josh seemed to be enjoying it as much as I was. I was glad.

Further along the film something really sad happened and I was about to burst into tears but I controlled myself. You are not going to cry in front of Josh Hutcherson I willed to myself. Then I heard a great sob from beside me. I looked across Josh's face to see tears on his cheeks. He saw me looking and I instantly started to cry too. We laughed at each other and as I put my hand down from wiping my eyes so did he. Our hands were touching over the top of the armrest but this time instead of them retreating from each other Josh grasped my hand softly. A couple of minutes passed and an even sadder event occurred in the film. We were both in floods of tears again and as we turned to laugh at each other our heads were closer than we thought. He looked into my eyes and I looked back in his. Green looking into brown. Brown looking into green. I didn't know what was going to happen next. Then he tilted his head to the right and his lips were pressed softly against mine. His lips were so soft I could barely feel them but I knew they were there. I returned his kiss and then when we separated he rested his head on my shoulder imitating the couple a few seats ahead of us. I laughed a little too loudly and they turned but weren't annoyed. I looked back into Josh's eyes and he looked that happy even the colours of his eyes were smiling.

School treat (a Josh Hutcherson fan fic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz