Chapter 5

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Walking out of college the next day was different. Lisa was none stop talking about my date. I wasn't really listening. Connor was asking me questions about Josh's charms so he could get a few tips. Lewis was walking along beside us reading something on the Internet. As we got closer to where my car was parked I saw those same silly sunglasses looking through the front window of a black convertible. My legs turned to jelly. Josh jumped out of his car and started to walk towards me. Lisa put her hand out for my car keys. We hardly ever drove we usually took the bus. I gave her my keys and headed towards Josh.
"So how's things?" He asked nice and sweetly.
"Fine. Thank you. How about you?" I asked.
He just smiled and took my hand. "Come on I want to show you something" I quickly glanced over to Lisa. "If that's ok with you." He stated. Lisa nodded and put a thumbs up in my direction. I giggled and stepped with Josh towards his car. He opened the door for me once again and I hopped inside. The engine didn't start and when I looked over to see what was wrong he was staring at me. My stomach churned. In a good way though. He blushed and looked away inserting his car keys as he did so. He was wearing black jeans and a baseball top with his name on the back. My number was still faint on his arm.

As we drove along we talked about my school and his visit yesterday. We laughed a lot mainly at Josh's jokes and my face ached from smiling so much. All he did was make me smile. I noticed we were driving a way I had never been. Or couldn't remember. Then fields started to appear and then there was nothing in sight but fields and hills and the road with only us on it. I felt like we had travelled to a whole other planet. I put my head back and realised that Josh's left arm was on the head rest. He didn't move it so I just rested my head on it. We drove some more until he pulled up in the middle of a field.
"Why are we here?" I asked.
"Are you fit to walk for a bit?" He asked without answering my question.
"Well erm yeh I suppose."
"Good." He smiled.

Where was he taking my was all I could think of as we were walking in sync along the winding path. Trees covered our heads and it was chilly. We came to a slight slope and we trudged upward going around a hill. Ahead were rocks. Big rocks which just needed to be climbed. I realised we were going to climb them and thought oh great I hope I don't make a fool of myself. We climbed for a while Josh occasionally taking my hand to support me. I felt so safe when he held my hand. We walked along higher up and the view was beautiful. There was a nice tree ahead with pink rosy flowers growing in between the leaves. How beautiful I thought again. You could still see the view and I could hear the soft patter of water. Then the water grew louder as we approached the tree. Josh swung his bag over his shoulder onto the floor. A bag I hadn't yet noticed until this action. Out of the bag he pulled a box filled with sandwiches and two packets of crisps. Then two bottles of coke appeared and two glasses. This was so cute. A surprise picnic just for me and him. No body guards, no fans, just us and as I sat next to him I realised where the sound of water was coming from. On the big rocky slope behind us was a gorgeous waterfall not giant but not small and as the blue crystal beads of water fell into a pool I felt myself feeling overwhelmed.
"So?" He said.
"This is the most amazing place I have ever seen!" I exclaimed out of joy. He laughed and took my hand again. "How on earth did you find this place?"
"Well when I was younger." He started telling me a story. "I came here for the six week holidays with my Mum and Dad. I found this place and visited it at every opportunity. There was only me and my dog who knew about it. Until now that is." He winked at me in a cheesy way. "After that I begged my Mum and Dad to bring me back to this same place but they wouldn't so my Uncle and Aunt who lived here invited me to stay every once in a while. But I haven't been here much recently as you know I've been making films." He sighed.
"Well it's a privilege to know about it." I said in a posh voice we laughed and started to eat and drink. Josh made me put on the voice again and accidentally spilt coke all over his jeans. He just laughed even more. That made me laugh and before I knew it my eyes were watering from all of the laughter. I looked up to the sky and then felt josh's breath on my ear.
"Can I tell you a secret?" He said. He was about to whisper something into my ear when I felt his hand cup my chin. He turned my face to face his and planted a soft warm kiss on my lips. This kiss was better than the one in the cinema because I knew what to expect. I kissed him back and as we kissed I put my arms around his shoulders. When we broke free of each other we giggled and then hugged. He hugged me tightly but not so much as to hurt me. I felt at home with him and definitely hadn't noticed the men watching from behind the rock nearby. And I also hadn't spotted the camera man with him.

School treat (a Josh Hutcherson fan fic)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin