Chapter 3

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I walked slowly to the canteen with a big grin on my face. I'd talked to Josh Hutcherson. I'd accidentally held hands with Josh Hutcherson. OMG. I couldn't wait to tell Lisa. Oh Lisa I was supposed to meet her outside her lesson. I walked back past the ensemble and the door opened and out walked Josh. I bumped into to him and he immediately apologised.
"Sorry." I said, "I have a habit for walking into you." I laughed and so did he.
He got a pen from his pocket and handed it to me. I was confused. I was even more confused when he unbuttoned the button on his shirtsleeve and folded it up. He motioned his arm towards me.
"Write your number here." He pointed to his arm and I wrote my number down quickly. I blushed yet again. I was sure my cheeks would permanently stay pink. He looked into my eyes and the brown struck through me again. He smiled and pulled down his sleeve and re did his button. I handed him back the pen and walked past. Now I had even more to tell Lisa.
"Ali where where you." Lisa exclaimed loudly from outside of her classroom.
"I err went to the ensemble." I told her.
"And then?"
"We'll someone was there."
"Who?" She asked keen to know the answer.
"Erm just Josh Hutcherson." Her eyes lit up as quickly as mine did.
"No. No way. No way. No way. OMG."
"And then." I explained. " I played my guitar for him and he liked it and he asked for my number."
Lisa didn't look like she believed me at first because her face was hollow. Then she smiled. She must have remembered that I have never lied to her before. She grabbed my shoulders and jumped up and down quickly.

When I got back to my house I went into the kitchen. I told my mum all about the day just missing out the bit in the ensemble and afterwards. I went upstairs to get changed. I plugged in my phone and tucked myself into bed. I turned on the tv. Nothing much was on. I turned it off and got out my book. I read for what felt like hours. Then I heard the familiar ring tone of my phone. The soft buzz vibrated my bedside table. I picked it up. Unknown number. Do I answer this? I questioned in my head for a second and answered the phone.
"Hi Ali."
OMG I know that voice.
"Oh sorry" I said.
"It's fine. Are you ok?"
"Yeh I'm fine."
"Good to hear."
Then there was a silence. I looked at my phone to check he hadn't left the call. No he was still there.
"Erm well I'm going to be in town for a while." He said through the phone.
"Ok" I added to the conversation. What was Josh implying.
"And I will need someone to hang around with. Someone to talk to."
"Yes." What was he on about?
"And really you are the only person I have talked to." A moment of silence. "Well besides my bodyguards." He chuckled and I laughed too. He had a perfect laugh.
"Well. Erm I was wondering. Erm." He sounded nervous. I found that cute. "Well would you like to come to a movie with me tomorrow night."
I was so surprised. He was asking me out on a date. Well I think it was a date.
"Yeh I would love too." I answered trying not to seem to over excited.
"Well that's brilliant. I mean great. Erm you can choose. I will pick you up at like er 7."
"Sounds good" I said and I put the phone down. I saved his number to my contacts and rang Lisa. She was so excited. No doubt tomorrow Lewis and Connor would know. I text Josh my address and decided to go to sleep.

But there was no way I could sleep. There were a lot of noises outside and when I walked over to my window I saw a very small but bright fire on the school yard. The stupid kids had set another fire. I went back to bed and it didn't take too long for me to drift off.

When I woke my lips were chapped and my throat was still sore. Oh god I guess I will look dreadful for school. My feet sank into the fluffy rug again. I picked up my phone once again and saw a text. I gasped as I saw who it was.

Josh H
Hey Ali thanks for the address, see you tonight ;) xxx

OMG I thought I was dreaming yesterday. Josh Hutcherson had really asked me out on a date. I quickly searched the Internet for what films were on the cinema. I decided I wanted to watch 'if I stay'. I liked the look of that film. I ran to the bathroom and brushed my teeth three times. I slapped on some makeup and did my hair into a messy bun. I slouched back to my room. I felt like a zombie. I put on my school clothes and looked at my clock. Oh my gosh. I was going to be late. I ran downstairs and ate a bite of toast and left my house. I had to jog to the bus stop and the bus was just pulling up as I got there. Lisa laughed at me but pulled me onto the bus. All she could do was smile and grin and laugh at me. Once we got to school I had heard at least ten people mention Josh's name. All I could do was feel amazing. As soon as I stepped through the door Lewis and Connor pounced on me. My head was bombarded with there questions. I answered them all and they listened in awe. I felt proud to have so much attention on me. Normally it was Lisa who had all the attention because she was much prettier than me. She had light brown hair which was straight and fell perfectly over her shoulders. She had dark brown eyes and long eyelashes and a beautiful smile. Where as my hair was nearly black and frizzy and curly on occasions and my eyes were green and blue mixed together and I had small lips but I had a figure that I was quite proud of.

As we walked through the school I spotted groups of girls fixing there makeup. I'm sure they believed that Josh would return to school again today but I very much doubted it. But that was ok I had tonight to look forward to. The first few lessons of the day were highly boring but then I had my music lesson in the ensemble. My music teacher Matthew is really nice and funny. I can talk to Matthew about anything. He is like the brother I never had. When I walked through the ensemble door he whistled. I had no idea why so I just laughed and sat down unclipping the buckles on my guitar case.
"So who was the mystery man in here yesterday?" He asked. I looked at him stunned. How did he know?
"Well who was it" he pressed on.
"Well it's hard to explain. And how do you know?"
"This room isn't sound proof you know. I heard you playing yesterday and there was a man. Singing along with you. Rather badly but I could at least tell it was a man."
"Oh well it's funny. Erm it was kind of Josh Hutcherson." He smiled at me. He clearly thought I was lying.
"Oh yeh and Angelina Jolie came to visit my shop yesterday."
"It's true. I promise" I said. I was slightly offended.
"Ok I do believe you. I was just teasing." I looked away from him. I was blushing yet again. I started to strum the strings of my guitar and he sat there listening to me. After a while he complimented me and told me I had improved a lot. I smiled as I packed away my guitar. I gave Matthew a quick glance and said thank you. I left and found Lisa. We talked throughout all of dinner about what I was going to wear to my date. I still had no idea when I got home and decided I would just watch some TV before I started getting ready. I accidentally fell asleep and I dosed for a while snoring softly.

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