It Hurts

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I'm hella nervous right now! I'm standing infront of her room.


I raised my hand to knock the door but she opened the door herself.

"Zac!" She said happily. "I was about to call you."

"Why?" My heart was beating thousand times faster. I just want to tell her that how much she means to me.

"Come in." She took my arm and drag me in her room. After all these years her room was still same and always smell like fresh flowers.

"So what do you wanted to say.?" I was so curious right now. Does she like me the way I like her? Man I'm so confused right now.
"Ummm..." before she started she was interrupted.

"Cami?!" I turned my head where the voice came. Ethan?

"Oh hey bro, you're already here." I'm confused right now. What is he doing here and since when did he start calling her Cami.?

"What is happening?" I was confused and curious about it. They looked at each other and smiled. And my heart didn't like it.

"Zac.. remember I said that I wanted to tell you something?" She lowered her head. I nodded my head and hummed. And she continued " it was... it was..." she couldn't finish.

"Zac..." Ethan spoke. "We are in love with each other." WHAT? NO NO NO NO IT CANT BE. IT CAN'T FUCKING BE TRUE.
I was speech less. I couldnt say a word. My heart just broke into millions of pieces.

"Yes Zac... I really love him and We are getting married!" she said in a cheerful voice. That statement boke my heart. I couldn't say anything. I pull my head up to see them they were so happy together that I couldn't say against it.

I couldn't say how much I LOVE HER. She was so happy saying that.

And I? I was angry with myself that I wasn't the first one to confess it to her. I wanted to change the time. I wish I hadn't gone to Europe. I was hurt badly. But I tried to stay neutral.

"So .... everyone knows this?" I gathered my voice and said.

"No.. only you. We wanted to tell you first." she smiled at me.

"Zac...." I looked in her eyes. "Are you happy that we are together?"

No no no. I'm not. Please say that its a lie please."Yes, I'm happy for you guys. You know my two favourite people....together.....just amazing. " I smiled at them but I wanted to cry. They hugged me.

"Thanks bro you're the best." I laughed.

"Now I have to go..." I stood up and was about to exit she stopped me.

"Zac.. you said you wanted to say something, right?"

Yes I did, but I can't say that, right?

"No it's nothing and goodnight."

"Good night " they both said and I looked at them they were hugging and cuddling. I couldn't stand so I quickly stormed out of the room. And finally tears found its way on cheeks.

I quickly cleaned my face as soon as I heard the footsteps coming towards me.
"Zac.. here you are. I was looking for you every where." My granny said.

"Ohh yeah..." I cleared my throat." Yeah.. I was just going to bed."

"Is everything okay,Zac?" She kept her hands on my cheeks and looked into my eyes and finally cried hard in her arms. She hugged me and patted my back. This is a lie right? How can Cami like Ethan but not me? They are so different, they uesd to hate each other and Ethan used to bully her but how can she love him. And I was the one who was always there for her. I was there when she needed a friend and a brother. I loved her since I saw her. I cared for her from that day. I wanted to make her mine. I wanted to marry her and have our own family. But ..... but she was never MINE, was she?

"Everything's gonna be fine, my son." She said. "What happened you know you can talk to me?"

"Granny it hurts.... it hurts so bad that I wish I never had a heart."

After staying like that for sometime I went to my room without looking at her and locked my door. I cried bitterly. I took out the bracelet and threw it in the dustbin.

Why why why?

I tried to sleep but I couldn't. I wanted to forget every thing. But some how I drifted away.

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