I Will Try

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Now I was infront of my father's office. I dont know why he called me. Anyway, I knocked the door.

"Come in." Replied by father from the other side.
I opened the door and went inside the room. His office was same, old and classy. He was sitting in the middle of the room typing something in his computer. I approached him and sat on a chair infront of him.

"You wanted to talk?" I asked in annoyed voice. He looked at me and removed his glasses and put it in the table.

He looked at me for a moment and asked "How are you?"

Seriously ,my dad knows too? Ugh but why cant she see it.

"I'm fine dad. So what's the matter?" I tried to be professional.

"Okay, if you say so. I wanted you here because to take care of that Japan collaboration."

"But that collaboration can be done by Ethan too. So??" I raised an eyebrow at him.

"I know and I told him about that but he said he's busy with his own life and now I know its because of Camila. So you're the one who will collab with the Japanese. " I sighed and here I thought he missed me. It's always business for him.

"Okay, I will do this but can't I do this meeting in Europe?" I no longer wanted to stay here. It will only make my heart break again and again.

"About that you can't. " not the answer I wanted to hear.

"But why not?"

"The Japanese has finally agreed with this meeting and they want it to be here in NY. So if you want the meeting in Europe then they wont do any collabs with us."

"For how long do I have to stay here?" I seriously want to get away from NY.

"That will depend on how the business meeting will go." I sighed heavily. "I know this is hard for you but you have to move on. They love each other." Love, thanks dad for adding more salt in the wound. I just rolled my eyes and left the office.

Now I know what the heart break is. I was going to my room then I heard people talking and laughing. So I went to the hall just to see every one enjoying especially Ethan and Cami.
The way they look at eachother and smile and laugh I just want to punch something or kill myself. I was about to leave but a voice stopped me.

"Zac...." I stopped and turned and gave them a smile. "Zac come and sit with us. We were talking about our childhood stories."

I was about to say no but "Zac yeah sit with us." She said with sweet voice that I couldn't refuse so I went in and sat beside Ryan. He just gave me a tap on my shoulder.

"So we were talking about how you used to stole that white rose from neighbour's backyard. " Ethan said. And everyone giggled. "Why bro, why did you do that?" I just smiled and remembered that I used to stole that white rose because Cami loves white rose and we didnt have any in our backyard so I stole it for her. I looked at her and said, "cause Cami likes white roses." She smiled at me and said, "really, i thought that the roses you gave me was bought by you but you stole them?. You didnt have to steal that for me." She gave me so lovabale smile that my heart just melt. And then like wise our stories were very funny and cute. But the entire time my eyes were on intertwined hands of them. I was really distracted by that.

"Excuse me, but I have some business to do so you all enjoy." By saying these I left the hall. It was making me too suffocated.

"Zac..." Ryan called me and I stopped and faced him.


"Dude chill, so what did you think of going back?"
I so want to go back but because of this stupid business I have to stay.

"That... I cant go back I've some business to handle here." I tried to go but he blocked me.
"Are you sure? Look I know you very well than your brother."
"I know I cant handle their relationship but I will try to ignore it. This Japanese collaboration is very important in our business." I gave him a sad smile.

"Then I will be here with you bud." He hugged me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2020 ⏰

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