This Time

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   Peter appreciates his friends and that he can have down time with them.

It's just that he's not ready for a sleep over.

  He's been at the same home for a long while now with Ms.Lolane as his foster parent.

  Peters only got a few years left anyways until he's welcomed as an adult to society. Meaning he can provide for Aunt May.

Or at least he hopes so.

  Back to the sleep over part,Peter outright lied that he couldn't go. He told himself his reasons were good enough and that there's nothing wrong about it.

But it still felt wrong.

   Which his why he was currently drowning his sorrows at Delmar's bodega.

"You okay?" Mr.Delmar asked.

Peter just shrugged.

    "Well my friend," Mr.Delmar said as he patted Peter's back "it can't get any worse."

Just then a scream tore through the night.

"Darn it,I jinxed it!" Delmar exclaimed.


(At this time M.J won a round of Uno at the sleepover)


Peter has never tried to take down a theif or two.

Okay that's a lie Peter totally has this thing where whenever there's danger he has to help.

Help like he couldn't for Uncle Ben.
Help like he will for Aunt May.

It's hard at times honestly though.

A gun to the head can yield a nightmare filled night of unforgettable images and people.

But it's worth it when he's hugged or profusely thanked by the victim.

This time though when he got there to the scene of the crime ,the victim (an older gentleman) was shaken to his bones because this time all that was left of the mugger was a bloody arm.

After reassuring the older man and convincing him to stay Peter did something he usually doesn't or can't do.

Peter Benjamin Parker dialed 911.

(At this time Ned Leeds won at Chutes and Ladders.)

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