Chapter Three

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Nienna knows what this meeting is about. She knows Frigga well enough by now. Plus when a King arrives with his son to talk diplomatic agreements, she knows that they are not here for Thor or Loki. And the prince of Alfheim is truly a sight. He's beautiful. Long white hair, bright blue eyes that seem to sparkle like starlight. She's...taken back by his beauty. He smiles at her. Nienna finds herself smiling back at him. Frigga touches her arm and smiles.

"Nienna, you remember King Vesstan and his son, Prince Neremy of Alfheim"

"Of course" Nienna agrees. "Your grace" Nienna greets falling into a bow.

"Please" Vesstan stops her gently. "We are here on even ground today, young bear" she smiles and nods.

"Why don't you show Prince Neremy the gardens, the bloom this time of year is always so beautiful," Frigga tells Nienna who glances to her and then to Neremy who smiles at her.

"Very well" Nienna agrees. "Your highness" she offers, he smiles and moves with her as they walk away from Frigga and Vesstan who both share a look behind their backs.


"You know this is their attempt at a set up" Neremy whispers to Nienna as they enter the garden, she smiles and nods.

"Yes," she agrees. "Yea, Frigga has been...rather persistent as of late"

"I was surprised when my father told me that you were unmarried" He admits, she frowns at him. "Or at least engaged to be" he looks at her. "You've always been so beautiful and kind, I thought that some noble lord would have agreed as soon as Frigga started looking"

"I have a very protective friend" she offers, he hums a little.

"Loki" he agrees. "So I've seen" she glances at him. "Everyone sees" he adds. "They are all rather protective of you"

"I have known them my whole life" she admits. "Lived with them my entire life" she adds.

"Not to mention the...Panserbjørne following us" he whispers, Nienna smirks and looks back at Iorek who does tail them, she knows it's because he cares about her, because he worries about her. "You do keep some interesting company" Neremy offers warmly. "It is part of what makes you special" he adds, she blushes slightly and looks down. "Nienna" he states and she looks back up at him. "I knew there was no question as to the outcome of this meeting, Nienna," Neremy tells her as he turns to face her. "The stories that even we on Alfheim hear of your beauty and intelligence...." he smiles at her and takes her hand. "This meeting was merely a formality, but I had already decided on what I wanted...I agreed to an engagement, if that was something that you wanted....if not, then I will be very happy to count you among my friends" he raises her hand to his lips to kiss the back of it. "And your Panserbjørne....."

"Iorek" she offers, he nods.

"Iorek" he corrects himself. "Will be welcome to join you in Alfheim" He assures her. "I do not wish to separate you from those closest to you" he nods to Iorek who narrows his eyes at the elf. Neremy looks back at Nienna. "You will love Alfeim" he offers. "The trees, the...stars...Buildings that spiral into the clouds" he tells her, his eyes lighting up as he talks about his home. "You will be happy there" she searches his eyes. "With me" he whispers with a smile. "You do not have to decide now" he adds. "You can take as long as you want, I believe you are worth waiting for...." she is utterly touched by him, by the sentiment in his words. It makes her realize just how little....romance she's had in her life. Her love for Loki is strong and sure but...when has he said anything like that to her. Loki is her friend, and he always will be, that all he's going to be? Can she see a future with him? She looks down a little and frowns. No. she doesn't think he will. She takes a deep breath and looks back at Neremy. And...Frigga is so excited about this, about Neremy and Nienna's union, how can she let her down?

"I do not need to think about it" she admits and nods before she smiles at him. "I accept" he smiles brightly at her and steps closer to her.

"Are you sure?" he asks her, she nods.

"Yes," she answers. He leans closer to her, his eyes searching hers before he kisses her. Her breath catches and her heart skips a little. But she does think of Loki a little. She has loved him for so long that it does feel a little strange. She's kissed boys before, girls too, just to see what it was like. She's been around 900 plus years, she wasn't going to sit around on the off chance that Loki would something. Neremy pulls back and smiles.

"Wow" he whispers, she chuckles a little and looks down embarrassed. He strokes her cheek. "I suppose I better go and tell my father the news" he admits rubbing his thumb into the pack of her hand. "I am sure Frigga already has....plans ready"

"She does seem the type" she agrees, he nods and lifts her chin. He kisses her again, softly this time, before he releases her hand and walks away. Nienna touches her lips and then sobers. She needs to be the one to tell Loki about this. He cannot hear it from someone else. She takes a breath and looks to Iorek as he reaches her side. He nudges her hand and she scratches at his fur.

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