Chapter Six

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Nienna stands in front of a floor length mirror, her hands smoothing down the fabric of her wedding dress. Today is the day. And Loki has still not come around. She hasn't spoken to him in months, she hasn't seen him in days, it's taking it's toll on her. She misses her best friend. It made her realise how much she leaned on him for companionship. She's been so lonely without him. Her heart is broken because of him. Neremy is good to her, he loves her and she adores him. But he is not Loki. Every moment leading to this, she has hoped that Loki would talk her out of it, he would turn up and announce his love and she could call off the wedding, but he hasn't and she can't. Frigga gives her a sad smile as she sets another jewelled pin into her hair. Frigga knows how much Loki and Nienna mean to one another, and he knows how much Nienna has been struggling without Loki at her side. They had both hoped that Loki would have come around but he has become more withdrawn in the months since his outburst at Nienna.

"You look beautiful" Frigga tells her, Nienna knows she does, the white dress with blue gems weaved and sewn into the skirt, the lace bodice, the veil that's decorated with blue and white gemstones. Asgard is sewn into her wedding dress. But this day will assure that her connection with the place is severed. She will no longer be a ward of Asgard, but a princess of Alfheim.


Thor lets himself into Loki's chambers, Thor is dressed in his formal attire, ready to attend his friends wedding. But Loki hasn't shown himself all morning and Thor fears he knows why. Loki is reading by the fire, but his eyes stare longingly into the flames. He is not dressed for a wedding. He is not going to attend. He is not going to watch the love of his life marry another man. He can't watch that. Thor lets out a breath and shakes his head disappointed.

"Are you really not going to go?" Thor asks Loki who glares at the fire raging in his fireplace. "If you don't, you will regret it" Thor points out, Loki remains silent. "She'd do it for you" Thor reminds Loki. "If it was you getting married....she'd be there for you, no matter how much it would hurt her" Loki hangs his head. Thor scoffs and looks away. "Fine" Thor states. "Have it your way" he turns ready to leave before stopping and turning back to Loki. "You don't deserve her" Thor tells him. "Not if this is how you repay her for all those years of friendship" Thor adds before he then leaves his brother to his wallowing. Loki glances to the door as it closes and then closes his eyes, he knows Thor is right, he never has and never will deserve Nienna. It is why it is best he stays away from her. It is why it is best he doesn't attend her wedding. Despite how much he wants to run to her and tell her not to do it, beg her to stay with him, to stay on Asgard. But he won't. And it's probably the least selfish thing he will ever do.


The wedding goes to plan. Vows are exchanged. Rituals seen to. And feast eaten. But Nienna wasn't exactly in the right mood to celebrate. There was no sign of Loki throughout the entire thing. She thought he would show, last minute, but he'd show, but he never did. Neremy removes his formal coat and lets out a breath as he pushes closed Nienna's chamber door. He made it known that he wasn't one for formal events, it is part of why Nienna likes him, he enjoys the formal events as much as she does. But she'd left this one earlier than he did. Despite it being their own wedding feast. His eyes find her where she stands on her balcony looking out over the rest of Asgard.

"Nienna" he states softly behind her, she glances back at him.

"You did not have to leave because I did" she tells him, he gives her a smile.

"Of course I did" he tells her warmly. "You were upset, I had to check on you" he steps closer to her. "Is it about Loki?" she lets out a breath and looks away from him.

"I am so easy to read" she comments. He leans on the railing next to her, fingers soft on her arm.

"I have spent the last few months with you, my love, I have learnt to read you very well" she sniffles as he reaches for her face. "I know how much you wanted him to attend" Neremy admits as he brushes her hair back from her face, her eyes threatening to cry. "I know how much he means to you" she looks at him. "It is okay" he assures her. "I know you love him" she looks away from him, he touches her cheek. "But I promise you I will make it my life's mission to keep you happy and safe" he promises her. "Even if you do not love me" she looks at him. "The same way you love him....You are my wife now, and that is a bond that I will cherish and honor and I will try my hardest to love you the way you deserve to be loved"

"I know you will" she assures him. "As will I." she leans into his chest and he wraps his arms around her. "I did not agree to marry you because I thought I had to" she admits. "I do love you" she adds and sighs a little.

"You just love him more" Neremy whispers with complete understanding.

"It doesn't matter now" she counters. "Can you...?" she asks motioning to the buttons on the back of her dress, he nods and rounds her to stand at her back, his fingers undoing each button. He touches her shoulder once the last button is free. she pushes the fabric down her body to pool at her feet. Nienna lets out a breath as she steps out of her dress, as beautiful as it is, it is one of the most uncomfortable things she has ever had to wear. She makes her way to her bed as Neremy watches her.

"Are you coming to bed?" she asks him.

"I will" he answers following her. "I just have one little thing to deal with" He tells her as she sits on the bed. She raises an eyebrow in question. He leans closer to her. "I will be back soon" He promises her, his lips brushing over her cheek, she frowns at him as he walks away and out of her chambers.

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