August 5th

Zoey and Lizzy were sleeping good until their alarm for work went off. She rolled over on her side and started slapping her alarm clock until it shut off. They thought they would be able to sleep longer but Zoey's mom came and woke them up.

Girls its time to wake up," Ma said

Ugh." They groaned still half sleep; The girls got out the bed and showered one at a time. After that Zoey put on her Target uniform and Lizzy put on her Starbucks uniform. They hop in the car and head to the mall they worked at.

Alright girl see you at 4." Lizzy said as they walked into their jobs which were in the same shop. Let me go head and log onto the register," Zoey said; As soon as I clocked the customers started coming in but it was cool I love having a lot of customers because it makes the time go fast.

When the customers died down and my co-worker took over the register I grabbed a cart full of office supplies and started stocking the shelves. Excuse me?." A voice said

Zoey turned around and seen Chris.

Hey Chris how are you?." She smiles

Good, are their blank CDs in this aisle?." He asks her

Yes their right here and I can ring you up," I said while handing him a stack of CDs; We walked to the register in electronics and he sat everything on the table. He had three packs of pencils, two packs of jumbo erasers, two note pads and the blank CDs.

23.50. Trying to be a music producer aren't we?," Zoey said

No uh one of my family members are," Chris said handing her his debit card; She handed him his bag with the reciept and he left out the store.



Stupid! Stupid! Why the hell would you go to the target your crush works at to buy CDs and shit. Sighing to myself he starts his car and heads back home. He went into the house and seen his dad on the couch watching TV.

what's up dad," Chris smiled

Hey kiddo." My dad smiled

I sighed as I looked into the fridge and grabbed me a bowl for cornflakes. He sits at the kitchen island and started to eat. He noticed his dad looking at him with the "look of worry" everything okay pops?." I asked

I should be asking you that son. You only eat cornflakes when you got something on your mind so what is it?." Dad said

I like this girl and—

Bout damn time I started to think you was batting for the other team," Dad responses

Okay where's mom? Mom!," Chris yelled for her

What's with all the yelling?," She came from downstairs. I needed advice about this girl I like but

Bout damn time I started to think you was batting for the other team. I'd still love you though," Mommy replies

Now that y'all know I'm not gay, there is the girl I like. She's really pretty but she don't notice me and I'll down if I try to tell her so what do I do?," He sighs

Calm down the worst she can say is let's be friends. Throw hints at her and see how she responds," Dad said; Yeah or use that voice of yours join a talent show or something," Mom said

After the talk Chris went to his room and sat all his supplies on the bed and began thinking about when he first seen her. "I seen her on the other side of the cafeteria, I didn't know her from Adam or Eve and I asked my brothers did they know who she was but she was gone when they looked up...." then the words started flowing.

"Yo,Tell me fellas have you seen her?
It was about five minutes ago"

He was on a roll until Christian walked in and he had to hide his stuff under the blanket. They locked eyes until Christian started laughing. You up here finishing your love songs?," He laughs

How did you know about that?." He stood up

Chill man." Christain laughed; I was taking out the trash and I seen the papers." He repiled

I know its stupid but its the only way I can tell her I like her without throwing up," I sighed

If it makes you feel any better I can send out the tapes for you," Christian smiled

Thanks man. Can you send it out In like a hour?." Chris asked him

Of course. Finna head to the store real quick, I'll be back," He left out

Time to see how this goes." Chris sighed as he started back writing.

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