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Last time

After Bruce said goodbye to his boys they went and loaded their stuff in the trunk they then went into the limo to head of to the airport

Authors Note:           Sorry this is late is is just that i have been very busy at home as well as school and late chapters might sadly become a ragular thing  😥, anyway back to the story.


                       ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~TIME SKIP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


When the boys got to the airport after a 2 hour car ride full of napping teasing (much to Damian's deslike) they were happy to get out of their car/limo they took out there stuff from the trunk with the help of Alfried of course said their thank you's and goodbye's then they started to walk making their way inside the airport over to were their private jet was already waiting for them and ready to go when they boarded their flight.

Later when the batboys got throw security as well as some random people who recognized them they made it to their jet safely they then entered it and took a seat with Damian next to Dick on one side with Jason next to Tim on the other side and but on their seatbelts because the jet started to go to the runway to take off after they put their bags away and gave the pilot as well as the co-pilot the all clear that they were ready to go so now after take off they were flying at a safe destance from the ground.

Damian's POV 

I am really REALLY wishing that I argued to stay home I just remembered that I am scared of planes after I watched a 24+  horror movie about them I thought when Dick asked me if I was alright and of course I said "yes" because they will probably tease me about it and I can't deal with it right now ughhhh I think i'm going to pass out.

Dick's POV  

As we were flying I was reading a book when I felt Damian shiver next to me so I looked up at him to see he is turning a pale shade of white so then I started thinking about what was wrong I knew he wasn't sick because he will either because he will be really cold or hot then It struck me Damian has never been on a plane before is he scared ? so I then asked him if he was alright which he said "yes" but I could tell he was lying to me when I seen him fall asleep so I just sighed and looked over to Jason and Tim who where both asleep so I closed my book and joined them in the land of dreams.



Hey guys thx for reading this,starting next chapter is when the main plot happens so make sure to look out for it so BYEEEEEEEEEEEE TILL NEXT TIME     

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