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Dick's POV

Ugh why is it so loud I thought opening my eyes until I made out some words coming from the inter-com well I looked out the window I saw it was storming badly,.

Turning my attention away from the window,back to the inter-com I could hear what the pilots were saying perfectly and what I heard made my blood freeze in the spot, they said that we lost communication to the radio towers and we are currently going of course because we are currently in a severe thunder storm, to reduce the chances even further of the plane being hit by lightning,these words kept going around in my head then I thought about waking up my brothers to let them know what was happening,but what if I woke them up all for nothing because we got out of it fine,these thoughts kept going around my mind until I said "Screw it" and want to wake up Jason just incase somthing happens well Damin and Tim sleep,so I went over to where Jason was and started shaking him to wake him up while saying soft and quietly "Jason,Jason wake up" as not to wake up my two youngest brothers.

Jason's POV

I woke up to Dick shaking me while saying my name quietly saying my name "What do you waaaaant" I asked sluggishly going back to sleep when Dick slapped me across the face "OW WHAT THE HECK" I whisper shouted at him as to not wake up replacement (Tim) and demon spawn (Damin) because even I know how pressus sleep is,especially this mest up family, plus there not as bad as I originally thought,but its not like their going to know that,when my focus went back on Dick only to see him trying to say somthing super fast, so I just gave him a glare making him stop and look at me "What" he asked "nothing other then the fack you are talking so fast that I can barely hear what your saying" I said in a sassy remark, making him calm down and start over with me listening this time not losing focus and him talking to fast.


Dick was finishing his explanation for waking me up and I said "this has to be a joke right" then I looked out the window that I forgot was there, and saw that we were indeed in a storm making me more alert then I was before, "What should we do" I asked him "I don't know" he said sadly when suddenly there was a big BOOM and the plane com-link turning on with the pilots screaming "MADAY MADAY THE PLANES RIGHT WRING HAS BEEN HIT BY LIGTHING" making both of us freeze  and look out the right hand window to see half the wing was missing, "We have to get Tim and Damin" Dick said snapping me out of my trance.

I immediately ran over to Damian to shield him with my body while Dick did the same to Tim when all of a sudden the plane started going down and the next thing I knew black dots filled my vision and I blacked out.










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