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Jason's pov

I woke up to my body being really sore when all of my memories of the previous events that had happened on the plane came back to me,
I immediately looked down and sighed in relief that Damian was in my arms so I got up carrying Damian only now realizing that we where laying in sand and put Damian down by a tree under in some shade that had I view of the ocean shore.

After I did that I started to look around for Dick and Tim,
So I started walking along to shore to see if I could spot them when I saw a bump in front of me, it took my a second but it was no bump it was "TIM"
I ran over to him and checked to see his injurys, it was nothing to bad just some scrapes,so I picked him up when I realized that Dick wasn't with him,that made my hart stop and my mind fearing the worst, when suddenly I heard something or someone coming closer from a bunch of bushes when Dick came out of them carring some sticks and I sighed in relief for the third time today.

When he saw me carring Tim I could immediately see relief forming across his face when he suddenly looked pale and asked me " Wheres Damian?"

All I responded with was "follow me" and started walking to where I left Damian under the tree in shade.

When we got back to where Damian was I was relieved that he didn't wake up and go somewhere else, I looked over my shoulder and saw Dick have a look of relief on his face from seeing Damian was alright.

I walked over to Damian and put Tim next to him under the tree,

That's  when I looked Dick in the eye and said/asked "what are we going to do?" with a little fear.


I woke up aching all over and when I tried to sit up but failed,confused I looked down and saw Tim in my arms on top of me and that's when I remembered what happened to us.

After a few moments I got up and left to get some fire would in the forest or whatever it was so we could have some warmth at night and cook any food we caught on it.

A little while later I had my arms full of sticks that we could use, but when I got back to where I left Tim I saw Jason carring him looking my way, so I came out of the bushes I was behind and saw him sigh in relief while I just looked relieved but soon my relief turned to worry when didn't see Damian "where's Damian?" I asked all he responded with was "follow me" so I did,after a minute or so of walking Jason turned and started walking towards a tree where i saw Damian sleeping under neath its shade, and again I let my relief show.

When we got to the tree Jason put Tim down under heath the shade to next to Damian,after that he turned toward me and said/asked me "what are we going to do?" with a little fear that was not noticeable by most people, I sighed and said "I don't know,but right now are top priority is survival and making sure Tim and Damian are alright,we will look for a place to set up camp when they wake up,for now thought just go to sleep its getting dark" while I was saying that I sat down next to Tim while Jason did the same to Damian and pulled them in for a group hug to help keep warm.

Then before both of us knew it exhaustion took over and we both fell asleep under the tree as well.


Hope you all ENJOYED this chapter so ya.

Word count: 676

Man I think that is my hight word count yet anyway BYEEEEE~

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