Day 1 Part 1

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Jason's POV

When I wake up I notice that Dick was cooking a fish he must of caught on top a fire using the wood I got earlier,
After a few minutes of me just watching my stomach growled,
dam I guess I'm hungry,
I thought when my stomach growled again but this time Dick heared it making him turn around while laughing with a smile,
"Good morning Jaybird, are you hungry ?" Dick asked,
so I decided to tell him yes by nodding my head,"ok, while it well take a few minutes longer for it to be cooked,
plus we have to wake up Tim and Damian first" he said to me so I nodded once again only now realizing that my throat is very sore to the point that it hurts to talk,
Dick must of noticed because I put one of my hand on my throat,
"Are you alright Jason,you usually would have talked by now and you have your hand on your throat" Dick asked with concern laced in his voice,
I just looked him in the the eyes and nodded that yes I'm fine,
making him sigh,
"listen Jason I know you are lying, come here and let me check your throat  okay ?" Dick asked in what sounded like a my word is final voice,
I just looked at the ground and walked to him making hold my chin up when I got to him,
I slowly opened my mouth for him to look to see what was wrong with me,
when he was done looking he just sighed and said that it looked like he had a bad sore throat but we won't know for sure until we can get it checked out by someone,
I just nodded and started walking away from him when all of a sudden I turned around and hugged him making him shocked then smile at me making me let him go and walk away from him quickly,
walking over to Tim and Damian to get them to wake up.

Dicks POV

I was shocked that jason hugged me  but I was also super happy that he was finally showing some affection towards other making me smile
when he let me go he quickly walked towards Damian and Tim,
I guessed he was going and try to wake them up all while I smiled fondly at my usually closed of brother.


That's all for today folks I hope you enjoyed, any way on to the word count


Yup that's all BYEEEEE.
XD < 3

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