Friends.... or enemies

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Percy's POV
He was just preparing to flame travel when the door burst open.
'Percy! Where you- oh... what are you doing? Why are you raising your hands? Are you summoning a demon?' Leo never ran out of jokes. Percy has to smile as he greeted his old friend. Leo dragged him out, where apparently there was a surprise for him. 'No Leo, please, I'll trip and fall and die' Leo just laughed and ignored his request as he blindfolded Percy. 'Cmon my loyal dog' Leo teased Percy. Percy attempted to remove the blindfold and said 'Don't call me a dog!' Leo merely smiled. 'Bad dog' he continued teasing. Percy successfully landed a kick on his.. well the worst place to get kicked if you're a boy. 'Ow ow ow ow' Leo hopped around as he lead Percy... somewhere. Eventually they reached their destination. Percy could hear more than one people breathing, and, before Leo could unblindfold him, he spoke out 'wassup guys' and immediately heard a bunch of grumbles.
Then he was tackled. 'Leo you better not have brought me to a rugby ground' Percy shouted angrily.
Leo just chuckled as he pulled Percy from under the pile of... people. Then he proceeded to unblindfold Percy. As Percy looked around, he was surprised to see Jason, Piper, Hazel, Frank, Calypso and Leo there. 'Oh my gods I haven't seen you guys in so long!' Percy squealed. 'We know Percy that's why we are here' Jason replied. 'Percy we know what happened, and we all are sorry for her' Piper brought up he subject he dreaded but knew would be pulled up. 'I know Piper, it's impossible to be happy for her current situation, she was such a nice person' Percy said sadly. 'No Percy, no past tense' Hazel scolded. Frank put his arm around her. 'That's right great times a thousand uncle' Percy grinned at the old joke he brought up. 'In fact, the main reason we're here is to help you find her!' Piper suddenly burst out. 'We are? I mean- we are!' Leo changed his mind by a sharp poke from Piper.
'Ok lets get straight to business then' Percy smiled. 'Oh, it's good to be back together' Frank beamed and rubbed his hands.
Before they could say anything, Percy disappeared. They all let out shouts of shock.

*time skip*

'Where am I' Percy groaned as he opened his eyes. He blinked and looked around. He seemed to be in a palace of some sort, it looked like it was made of.. water. Thing is, it was in ruins.
'Oh Pontus not again. I thought I got rid of u' Percy muttered. A cold chuckle resonated through the 'palace'. 'What, I stop kidnapping you and you thought I forgot about you? Perseus Jackson, you are the only god or demigod that could foil my master plan. There are other forces out there too though. If they interfere, your home might survive my wrath... but it would still have to face its wrath. Start praying young one. Pray that it's me you have to face. Because if it isn't, you will be in a whole lot of trouble' he ended with a evil chuckle.
Suddenly, all around him, tendrils of dark water snakes towards him. He tried to control them to go away, but they weren't responding. One by one, they climbed into his mouth. Then everything went dark.
It seemed to be a long time until he opened his eyes. The first thing he noticed was the fire around him. The next thing he noticed was the screams in the air. The third thing he noticed was 3 familiar faces hunched over, hugging each other. He bit back a sob. Thalia, Jason and Nico, children of Zeus, Jupiter and Hades, the most unlikely match, Sky god and death god, and also Greek and Roman, were being burnt to death right in front of him. 'Thalia! Jason! Nico!' Percy shouted. They didn't seem to hear him. The weird part was that they were smiling. Thalia said something, but her voice was inaudible under all he screaming. Percy did manage to read her lips though. 'At least we die together' he thought she said. He was proved correct with Nico and Jason smiling at her. Then they all grimaced, then everything went dark again.
'This is one of the futures that face you, Perseus. This is possible. It is also preventable. It just requires one thing. Serve me, Perseus. Serve me and all your friends and the puny camps will survive.' An invisible voice spoke.
Percy shuddered. 'How do I know you will keep your word?' He asked. Pontus chuckled. 'All right. Making me play the big card aren't you? I swear it on the river Styx that, if you serve me, the rest of your kind will not be harmed by me. I cannot say the same for all the other divine forces out there though' Pontus said. He suddenly let out a grin. 'What are you smiling about?' Percy asked. 'Oh it's nothing. Just.. well let's call it an "inside joke" okay?' Pontus continues smiling.
'So, what's your choice?' Pontus asked impatiently.
Percy paused. 'I will do as you order, my lord' he hissed.
Pontus's laugh grew louder and louder as it filled the room and Percy's head.

Percy Jackson: Love is WarWhere stories live. Discover now