Lets test the campers...

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A/N the reason you don't see the rest of the 7 is because they are too busy so let's just imagine they are on a monster-less vacation, k? This includes ALL OG characters except for Percy and Annabeth. Even Clarisse won't be here.

Percy POV
'The demigods are learning quick. We might have an actual chance against Gaia, however small it may be' Percy told Pontus. 'Good. Work on increasing that chance. Soon, it will be large enough, and end the war in your victory. There may have to be sacrifices though. I think you know what I'm talking about.' Pontus looked at Percy. 'What?! I'm not killing Annabeth, she's coming back alive!' Percy exploded. 'Boy, if there's anything I ever learned, it's that an immortal having a mortal weakness is a death sentence. Would you really want Gaia to take that as an opportunity to kill herself and your girlfriend? At least if you do it yourself, you can reassure yourself that it was for a good cause. On the other hand, if Gaia does it, you will have to live with guilt for the rest of your life.' Pontus told him. 'Immune immortality is like the hunters, Pontus. One fatal wound an I can die' Percy reminded Pontus. 'Fine! Don't blame me when she dies at Gaia's hands. Leave me now, and go train your campers' Pontus ordered. Percy swiped his hand through the monster call.
Percy didn't notice the shadow of someone hiding behind a pillar, silently observing the whole thing, and neither did he hear a the snicker of a man.


After spending half a day teaching a bunch of stubborn teens on the different ways to swing a sword and shoot a bow, Percy was ready to head to bed, even though it was just evening. Luckily, the campers could complete all their challenges within the time limit now, after just a few nights of eating late. There was still the occasional grumble about Percy being too strict, but at least Percy's training part worked.

All of a sudden, a conch horn blew, and Percy almost ran out, before he realized his hood was down. He flicked it up, and rushed out. What he saw chilled his blood.

Monsters. So many of them, it looked like a never ending sea. They just stood there, staring at the demigods, who returned the favor. 'All right, we can stop the horror movie staring now, let's just fight already' Percy told them. That shook them out of their random horror movie phase. Some grinned, then grimaced as they got punched by the monsters next to them, while the others just shuffled their feet. 'Who are you? There was no mention of a hooded snack' a telkhine yelled. Snickers echoed through the monster crowd. 'Yeah, did you have to pick the teenage monsters with their horrible jokes and giggles, author?' Percy muttered. (Don't stare at me, I don't know how monster crowds work!) 'ugh let's just fight already' and with that silent order, the demigods let out a war cry and charged the monsters. It looked well in the beginning. Monsters fell left and right, but no demigod fell. Percy's hopes raised higher when he realized that. He shook his head. I cant allow myself to be distracted, or else I will die and camp will be doomed. Percy's body went on autopilot. Slash. Jab. Dodge! Strike. Punch. Roll. Soon enough, the monster army was starting decrease, while the camps army had not fatalities yet, only wounds. Percy looked up, his smirk growing wider, and then suddenly it was wiped off his face. 

Hyperion was heading his way. Where did Hyperion come from?! Percy started panicking. Percy remembered how hard Hyperion was to fight in the Titan War. He started making his way over to him, then froze as a voice echoed around the battlefield. A voice he longed to hear for a while, but it sounded different. His eyes slowly crept to the source. Annabeth stood there in all her beautiful glory, except her glory was flawed. Her usual stormy-grey eyes that Percy had adored were now dirt green, and she wore a revealing skirt, something Annabeth would never do. 'Gaia.' Percy breathed out. 

A/N : So I figured that a bunch of you might be confused as to why Gaia can possess people when she should be nothing but a planet now, and I have an answer to that. Remember Kronos? He was cut up the same way, unable to reform, yet he took over Luke. Now I figured that if Kronos knew how to do it, he probably had told his mother that he has a new trick up his sleeve, and Gaia would have asked for details, so she must have known how to do it. That's why she can possess him. She is obviously more powerful than Kronos, being a primordial and that's why she has enough energy already. She was set to do so, and that previous form wasn't really her, it was a statue she made out of the dirt, then possessed like ghosts do in the movies. Hope this clears up a bunch of confusion.

'You can all stop fighting now. I have a solution to this. We could sign a peace treaty, where you let me take over Olympus, and in return, I won't kill you.' She smiled like it was the perfect idea, like she wasn't planning to betray the camp. Unfortunately, many campers agreed with her. Percy had to stop this. 'Wait. I have my own conditions.' I spoke commandingly. 'And who might you be?' she asked. 'I'm the camps new trainer, Raven, and so I make the calls around here.' I spoke pointedly to the campers, who grumbled. 'Very well Raven, what are your conditions?' She asked. 'Duel me, a deathmatch. If you win, a representative chosen by the camp will sign the treaty, but if I win, your entire army will retreat from here, no treaty signed. Is it a deal?' I asked. 'Hmm. The stakes are high, but I don't think I want to lose any more of my army, so I guess I have no choice. Show me what makes you a hero, Raven. You all have orders not to attack, leave us be.' Gaia smirked.

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