Who is it?

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Leo's POV
'Percy! Peeeeeeeeercyyyyyyy!' Leo hollered. It felt like an hour that they were looking for him. He tightened his grip on Calypsos hand as he walked deeper into the forest. Suddenly, he felt a tingling on his neck. He turned around and saw a light. He looked up and saw the moon was out. 'Wow it night already? I thought it was still noon' he told calypso. Calypso seemed to notice the time at that moment too. They slowly began trudging to the light because they thought it was the campfire.

Jason POV

Jason and Piper suddenly saw a light as they headed back to camp. They had the idea of checking Percy's cabin. 'It must be the camp' Piper told him. Jason's neck tingled like crazy. He felt as if something was going to go wrong. He shook of the feeling and started walking towards the light.

Ok the same thing happens to everyone here, everyone sees a light and walks toward it ok? Let's just skip it and get to the good stuff

Percy's POV
'Percy?' He heard a bunch of voices shout. His eyes snapped open, and he fell to the ground. Looks like Pontus deposited him in a tree. His gaze fell on Jason. He was about to tell Jason what he saw. That's when it spoke. A voice in his head. 'Do not tell him. If he finds out, that future will be here sooner than you can say "Persasseus the Jacksassion" understand?' It said. 'What? I'm not sassy! And where did u get those names from?' He thought back. 'Now is not the time. I'll just say... a little group of people that like books' Pontus thought back.
'Percy, why are you glowing? And where did you disappear?' Leo was the first one to ask. That was the first time he realized that there was no torch around him. 'Umm I forgot to tell you guys that I kind of am a god now. Also, about where I went... well I just had a chat with someone' he said. 'Wow that's cool, what are you the god of?' Jason asked.
'God of loyalty, bravery, strength and weaknesses' Percy said automatically. 'Also jason why is your forehead glowing red?' Percy asked. He went forward and gently pressed the glowing spot. Jason batted it away. 'I was hit by a stick that a monster threw at me. It's healing' he said. Piper then asked 'what other part of him is glowing'. 'Well, no body parts. Wait. There's something floating around his head, but I can barely see it.' He concentrated a bit and and added 'I see a lightning mark, and a sword?'. 'Wow that's cool. So I assume it's your new domains. They let you see his weaknesses, like his forehead, and his strengths, like those marks' Hazel said. 
Suddenly the voice in his head spoke again. 'Tell the gods there is going to be an attack on the Roman camp' it said
'Ok guys I'm sorry to bail on you but I have to go' Percy added hastily. He clicked his fingers and flames erupted around the group. When they could all see again, they realized they were standing outside the big house at camp. Percy quickly teleported himself to the Empire State Building and asked for a keycard for the 600th floor. 'There's no 600th floor kiddo' the receptionist chuckled. 'I don't have time for this' Percy grumbled and waved his hand. A small blinding flame appeared and suddenly a small plastic rectangle appeared out of the smoke, and the flames subsided. Percy walked towards the elevator, leaving the receptionist staring after him, his mouth open and eyes wide. The fire alarm began ringing. The receptionist shook himself out of his daze and began fumbling to turn it off. Percy chuckled as he swiped the card, and the journey began. The song 'journey' began at the same time. So began the great ascend to mount Olympus. Percy rolled his eyes and cursed Apollo. 'I have to threaten him into changing the songs' he muttered.
A/N I can't remember if journey is a song or a band so if it's a song then ok if it isn't then let's just say that a song called journey exists k?

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