The Trojan War

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Percy's POV

'Zeus! There's going to be an attack. Camp Jupiter is the target!' Percy walked into the throne room. All the gods turned to look at him. 'And from where did you gain this premonition?' Zeus asked. All the gods stared at Percy, no doubt suspicious. Percy broke a sweat as he realized he did not think this through. 'It's a premonition. That's exactly what it is. I saw it in a dream' Percy spoke quickly. 'Gods do not dream, Perseus' Ares said. 'Perhaps Perseus is in touch with the enemy side. Perhaps this is a trap to catch all the gods and leave Olympus deserted. Perhaps this boy is the traitor' Ares added. 'Wow Ares didn't know you had the brains to deduce like that but maybe the fact that I was born a demigod could explain why I have dreams? After all, I was one just recently, wasn't I?' Percy replied. Apollo frowned at Percy. Percy realized Apollo could see right through it, being the god of truth and all. Percy tried hard to act casual, but failing to do so, said 'So are we protecting the camp or not?'. The throne room broke out into a lot of shouting. 'Silence!' Zeus ordered. 'It is not our place to protect the camp. We are bound by the ancient laws. That includes you Perseus. You are now a god. You cannot protect the camp. You can only attack the enemy if they attack us. The enemy, Gaia, knows this well, and will exploit it. She will attack us as a last resort. There is one thing though. You recently became one of us. The laws may not have taken much effect on you yet. The fact that she has possessed your love and you are new at this might give you a chance to fight her. That still means that you cannot go to the camp and protect them. You can, however, follow Gaia to her lair or attack her after the...well, attack, but do it soon. You might have too little time. Do your actions quickly' Zeus explained. 'Thank you for pointing this out, Lord Zeus' Percy replied politely. 'Then I think we are done here!' Zeus ended the meeting.
I conjured up a rainbow and threw a drachma in. 'I need camp Jupiter, quickly iris please' I said. The colors disappeared, creating a screen that showed the entrance to camp Jupiter. The scene shifted to the inside of camp Jupiter and I frowned. Everything looked normal. The screen shifted to the meeting area(A/N I don't remember the name hehe) where I saw Reyna talking to.... I gasped. Annabeth. 'Iris please could I have audio I'll owe you big time' I begged. '-ender or else my army will walk into this camp and slaughter all your little Roman campers. Surrender and you will receive gifts from my army. Surrender, and you will never have to worry about me or any foe ever again' Annabeth smirked. Reyna looked like she wanted to argue, and I was hoping she would. Gaia's intentions would never be good. Then Reynas shoulders slumped. 'No Reyna don't accept!' I yelled, even though I knew she couldn't hear me. 'I surrender. Just know if anyone even lays a finger on my soldiers, you will wish you weren't alive to witness that day' Reyna finally said. (A/N im getting tired of this annabeth/Gaia name thing, so imma call her Gaia.)

Gaia smiled. 'Fall back!' she yelled. i shook my head. Reyna was smart enough to know this was a trap. She had been through so many wars, why did she accept? I shook myself out of my thoughts and turned to the exit. 

'Camp Jupiter has surrendered. They were outnumbered, and had no choice.' I told Camp Half-Blood with a heavy heart. 'You suck! Why are you even here then? You cant even protect them from a girl!' Alex yelled. I shook my head, not ready to argue. i began walking in the direction of my cabin. 'See? He knows hes weak. Even his girlfriend left him, because of how pathetic he is' Alex continued. I stopped. A hush fell over the crowd. I turned my head, my eyes glowing with aquatic fire. 'Never talk about Annabeth Chase! She is a million times what you are, and could drop you to your feet with just a simple glare!' i yelled. Again, I turned and stalked off, leaving everyone with their mouths open. Halfway to the cabin, I allowed flames to take over my body, and opened my eyes to see the Olympian throne room. Flame travel was always dramatic, I smirked. I walked in to see Zeus alone. Perfect, that's exactly what I wanted. 'Zeus. I need a favor' I told him. Zeus looked up at me, surprised at how nice I was being to him. 'What do you need?' he asked. 'Could you make up an excuse for me to disappear, then introduce me to the camp as someone else?' i replied. 'What do you mean?' Zeus asked with concern. 'Im tired of everyone treating me the way they are because of your lies. They just dont trust me. I feel like I could do a better job if they didnt know I was... me' I said. 'What do you want me to tell them?' he questioned. 'Just tell them you sent me for a solo mission or something' I replied sullenly. 'Have you thought about the rest? You will have to hide your face at all times. You will even have to reply to a new name, and you will have to change the forms of your powers and weapons, if not getting a new one' Zeus told me. I smiled. 'I have it all planned, Zeus. Just listen' and I proceeded to tell him my plans.

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