Chapter 5

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Harry awoke the next day, and started getting ready for his trip to London. He had just gotten into the shower, when his phone rang, stumbling to get out, he managed to answer the call in time.

“This better be important Kia, I was in the shower.” Harry said.

“Well if I’m not important enough for you to get out of the shower, then I’ll just go get back on a plane, and return to the states.”


“I’m standing in your room.”

Kia then heard nothing, but silence on the line, then out of nowhere Harry showed up, in nothing, but a towel.

“KIA!!!!!” Harry said, as he glomped her.

“Hi, sweetie, umm I love you, but your all naked, so could you kindly get off me.” She said.

“Oh sorry, I’ve missed you!”

“It’s only been a day.”

“I know, but, Wait a minute how’d you get here, and so fast?” Harry asked.

“Well you told me you were going to go house hunting in London, and your hopeless without Me, Niall, or Liam, so when you told me I booked myself on the next flight!”

“That still doesn’t explain how you got here so quick.”

“Concorde gets you there in half the time.”


“Okay love finish your shower, and we shall go to London.”

“Okay!” Harry replied.

Harry was so excited to see Kia, she is always there when he needs her.

Harry was finally ready to go, so him and Kia made their way to London.

“So does Niall have any idea that you’re doing this?” She asked.

“Yeah I kinda let it slip out last night. I showed him the pics of the house, and he just fell in love with it like I did.”

“Well let’s just hope it’s as nice in person.”

“Oh yeah.”

“So how are you and Niall dealing with being apart.”

“I hate it, I feel like a part of me is missing.”

“Well at least you have me right now.

“Yes, and I’m so glad you are here!”

“Me too!”

Kia was excited, She had already known Niall’s plan before she knew Harry’s, and so with that knowledge, she knew that Harry would need her so he could have it all done when Niall arrived, and there was so much that needed to be done, so much that needed to be bought to turn this flat into a home that both the boys will love, and that was what Kia was going to make happen.

When they finally got to London, and pulled up to the flat they were amazed. The photos were nothing compared to the real thing, before Harry saw the inside, he knew this was the one. The realtor walked them through it, and Harry fell more in love. He could just picture him and Niall making this their home.

“Do you guys have any questions about the place?” The realtor asked.

“Where do I sign?” Harry said, enthusiastically.

“Well if you are sure this is the one for you, you and your girlfriend can come down to my office right now, and make the down payment, and sign the papers.”

“Oh I’m not his girlfriend, I’m just a tag along. This place is for him and his soon to be hubby.” Kia said. 

The realtor smiled, and congratulated Harry on the engagement.

They followed her to her office, and Harry signed the papers, and made the payment. She handed him they keys, and said “Well Harry, I hope you and you husband enjoy your new home, just bring him in when he gets here, to so he can get his name on the title too.

“Well Harry, you have taken the first step, now we need to go shopping, there is allot you need to get.”

“Well let’s go then!”

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