Chapter 15 Part 4 (Final Chapter)

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(A/N Well guys its been a fun ride with this story! Its over. I hope you liked it! this one also has music, but only one song so it will be in the side.)

As the guests made their way to the ball room for the reception, there was still business to take care of, the photos.

Someone’s POV

I stayed behind like Harry had asked me to. This was the moment, the moment I find out if I will have my baby back in my life. I was nervous, what if he ran off, I wouldn’t blame him. I’m a terrible person. A terrible….. mother. Suddenly I saw Harry bringing him my way. This was it.

Normal POV

“Ni, before we go take our picture, I have one more surprise for you!”

“Hazza, you have already done way too much, what more could you have possibly done?” Niall asked, with a questioning look.

“Close your eyes, and I will lead you to it.”

He did as he was told.

Harry led Niall to the other side of the room, Niall keeping his eyes shut. Harry hoped this wouldn’t backfire. It couldn’t Niall needed this. He needed some closure, he needed his…. Mother. Harry knew what she had said, and done was terrible, and Niall had spent countless nights crying over this, Harry knew he missed her.

“Are we almost there Haz?”

“We’re here, but keep your eyes closed.”

Harry gave Maura a nod, indicating for her to make her presents known.

“Hello honey.” She said.

Niall’s eyes shot open when he heard her voice.

“Mom?” Niall said, sounding utterly confused.

She nodded.

He stayed silent.

“Baby, I know I’m the last person you want to see, but I couldn’t stay away, I couldn’t miss my baby’s wedding day.”

Niall still remained quiet.

“Harry asked me to come, because he wanted you to have everyone you loved here, and I know I have been horrible to you, I did the worst thing I could possibly do as a mother. I turned you away when you needed my love, compassion, and I can’t begin to imagine the hell I put you through.*starts tearing up* Honey, I was wrong to react the way I did, and I hope it’s not too late to make things right. I miss my baby so much.”

Niall just looked at her for a moment or two, taking in all that she had said. Finally he began to tear up, and started smiling.

Approaching her, he pulled her in to the tightest hug imaginable.

“I love you mom, and that’s all I want, is your love and support.”

“Baby, you have it, I’m so sorry for the way I treated you, I was a horrible mother.”

“I forgive you mommy, and you’re not a horrible mother, it just took you a little while longer to see what everyone else could.”



Harry just stood their smiling, he had just made his family whole again. When Niall, and his mother finally let out of their embrace he approached his husband, pulling him into a hug.

“Thank you Harry, you have no idea what this means to me. I love you, so much.”

And before they knew it Niall’s mother joined in.

“I love you too, Harry” she said, to her new son.

Finally after making up, and getting their pictures taken, they made their way into the reception.(Start song)

As they walked into the room Liam too the mic.

Ladies and gentlemen It’s time for the first official dance of the newlyweds.

The two made their way to the center of the dance floor, as the music started playing. The song Liam had selected, described them perfectly they though.

With the spotlight on them, and the music blasting, everything seemed to disappear like they were in their own world. The two dancing in the center of the room, it was like it was only them there in this moment. It was only them that mattered.

“Well Ni, we have defeated the odds, faced tragedy, and triumph. What’s next for us.”

“well… what I want is kinda crazy.”

“For you I will do anything, I would run through the desert, Hell I just walked down the aisle(see what I did there haha extra special bonus points if you tell me what I did).”

“I want to start a family. I want to be a daddy.”

“Your wish is my command.”

“I love you Hazza.”

“I love you too, Nialler.”

(THEY ALL LIVED HAPILY EVER AFTER!!! ITS OVER! I Hope you liked it! COMMENT VOTE DO IT! anyway this is the final chapter! but Keep your eyes out for the epilogue! My Narry saga is over =(. makes me kinda sad.)

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