Chapter 12

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Kia, and Liam waited patiently for Harry to show up, the two knew that he better have a damn good excuse for what they had seen. I mean it wasn’t anything horrible, but Kia had known Andrew longer than any of them, and knew about his past. She was worried that he was up to no good again, she loved him, but she knew Andrew was a tad bit of a manwhore.

The two sat there silently, waiting for him to show up, and sure enough he was there in five minutes flat.

“Now that you’re here explain!” Liam said, rather loud.

“Okay, well what you guys saw, was not what you think it was.” He replied.

“Okay, well what was it then?” Kia asked.

“Well if I tell you, you have to promise not to tell Niall, I refused to tell him what I’m up to, and ended up having a clock chucked at my head. I know it sounds suspicious, me asking you not to tell him, but when I’m finished you will fully understand.”

They both nodded.

“Andrew flew here a few days ago, I asked him to come early. I needed his help with something.”

“With what?” They both asked.

“I have been struggling with my vows, and I knew he would have some AMAZING ideas.”

“Go on?” Kia said, sounding confused.

“He had an amazing idea, express how I feel about Niall through song. So for the past few days, with me acting weird, and being distant, it’s been me trying to keep it all a secret! We have been writing the most AMAZING song, but now from the looks of it, I’ll never get to sing it for him.”

“You haven’t been cheating on Niall?” Liam asked.

“NEVER! Niall is my entire world, I could never imagine him not being in my life again. Andrew has just been helping be, and for your information, Andrew has a boyfriend.”

“Really?” Kia asked, sounding shocked.

“Really, his name is Louis, and lives here in London, they met online months ago, and have been together ever since.”

“Well how do we know you’re telling us the truth?” Liam asked.

“Well I have a recording of me singing the song, I could play it.”

They nodded, and Harry pulled out his phone to play it.

“Shut the door, turn the light off
I wanna be with you
I wanna feel your love
I wanna lay beside you
I cannot hide this even though I try

Heart beats harder
Time escapes me
Trembling hands touch skin
It makes this harder
And the tears stream down my face

If we could only have this life for one more day
If we could only turn back time….”

The two just listened to the song, tears in their eyes. They were stunned. It was one of the most beautiful songs they had ever heard, and what made it even more beautiful, was that it was Harry’s feelings for Niall.

By the time the song was over, Liam, nor Kia had the words to say.

“Do you guys believe me now?” Harry asked.

They both nodded.

“That was beautiful Haz.” Kia said, moving over to Harry taking him into her embrace.

“Now it doesn’t even matter, he doesn’t even wanna see me, he will never get to hear it.” Harry said, tears in his eyes.

“Sweetie, you leave that to me. Give me an hour, and I guarantee he will talk to you.” Kia said.

“How do you know?”

“I’m Kia!” She said, with a smirk.

“Everyone listens to me.” She continued.

Harry gave her a faint smile, tears still streaming down his face.

“Now you, and Liam stay here, get yourself some coffee, and I will take care of this.” She said, walking out the door.

Harry still didn’t know how to feel, he knew Kia was like supergirl, but he thought this was a mess, that even Kia couldn’t fix, but he agreed, and waited to see what would happen.

(A/N the song MOMENTS in this chapter is why the name is pending.... Its the song I had wanted to use from the beginning, but I found out there is another 1D fic called Moments, so i changed it all to Gotta Be You, I tried useing the song in this, but it just didn't work! so idk yet, but how cute is the song idea!)

Gotta Be You: Narry Saga Book 3Where stories live. Discover now