Hello pumpkins :^)
Hah- those exams are trying to kill me ;-;
I have 3 exams in the next week. The last two were in the last week and I guess I did fine. But that's not the problem here..
I have study a lot. Some Information I can give you are:
-First exam on Friday.
The next one on Wednesday the 18th of December and now the last one on the 19th of December.
This isn't good at all- I don't really know how to study all of this- but somehow I can manage to. But the big problem is: I don't know if there's any time for writing new chapters. It could be possible somehow.. But I won't promise anything. I will try my best! You can write some more ideas in the comments. You can also ask me questions! Also personal questions, it's fine to me, and I will answer every single question if there will be any ^^
Sorry! But I will try my best :)
And also: I live in Germany. If you live in the US or so, there's a time difference within 6 hours. So that's why you see, that I upload the chapters in the middle of the night. Nothing really important, but I just felt like i had to say this, just so nobody would be confused ^^
A new chapter will be uploaded today, I guess!
Wish me luck ~,~
Love you guys! Thanks for reading!

Scp 035 x 049
FanfictionOne day scp-035 and scp-049 had a interview. They understood each other, they liked each other, or maybe not :^) Found out by reading the story ^-^