Chapter 2

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    AN: I don't remember the dialogue so i apologise for this shitty flashback scene. 

      The air was stiff. It wasn't really moving but then it felt like it was moving all too fast. That's all Noble 6 could think about as she left the car(i don't know what its called please don't hurt me...) She went inside the base and was stopped by a girl in light blue armor and a robotic arm.
    "Commander." She said. A man who was talking to someone on the computer turned around, and another who clearly made adjustments to his armor said. "So this is our new number 6."
    "So Kat you read her file." 6 turned her head and saw someone with a skull on there helmet. The Kat girl said something that 6 didn't quite catch. Tye commander started to talk again but his voice sounded distant...
      The annoying sound of an alarm clock blared. Leah though it against the wall probably pissing off her neighbors. Wait what was i dreaming about? She thought. She felt uneasy like she forgot something important. She shrugged it off and threw her legs over the bed. She stretch her arms and went to her closet and threw on a pair of jeans and light yellow t-shirt with a faded logo of a band she didn't like anymore. She sighed as she put on her converse and checked the time. She didn't have classes today but she did have morning shift which ment no time for breakfast! She groaned as she opened her apartment door
      "God or whatever give me the strength to not punch that asshole in his Fucking throat!" She yelled which probably pissed off her neighbors more. She rode her bike to the bakery and saw Appolinia at the door.
    "Hey um we don't have work someone broke in." She said putting a strand of white hair behind her ear. Leah's eyes widen and she noticed the crime scene sign on the door. "Well Halle-fucking-lujah i guess there is a god." Leah said. She turned to Appolinia "do you have any plans?" She asked. Appolinia shook her head,"No not really might go to the book store." She answered a bit loader than usual. "Sweet can I go with you?" Leah asked. Appolinia nodded "We'll take my car it'll be faster." Leah wheeled her bike as she followed Appolinia to her car. She had a old Brown dodge journey that she bought from some soccer mom that was getting rid of it. It was in okay condition it run well it was beat up on the outside though. They put Leah's bike in the trunk and sat in the two front seats.  This car is freakishly clean... Leah thought and was the car even had that new car smell like what the hell. Appolinia started the car and they backed out the parking lot.
    "Um i have some cds in here or you can plug your phone up to this thingy here and your phone will play whatever music you have." She said fiddling with a cord hanging out of the cd player. "Its fine play whatever you like." Leah said putting her head on the window. Appolinia plugged up her phone to the cord. All of a sudden there was music playing. Leah recognised it as Breaking Benjamin's Dear Agony. Leah was surprised,"I didn't take you as a Breaking Benjamin type." Appoline gave a small smirk "I also like My Chemical Romance,Shinedown,Three Days Grace,linkin Park must I continue..." Leah breathed out a breath she didn't know she was holding. "Damn its true what they say the quiet ones surprise you the most" when the song finished All you wanna do from Six started playing. Leah raised a eyebrow. Appolinia picked up her phone and pressed shuffle then Avril Lavigne started playing till Appolinia pressed shuffle again and settled with And Eve was Weak from Carrie the Musical. By this time Leah's mouth had dropped. Appolinia looked at her "what..." she asked  quietly. "What even is your taste!?" Leah exclaimed. Appolinia laughed.
     They arrived at the book store soon after and got out of the car. When they went inside they agree to split up and shop. Leah went to the mystery section and looked at a copy of Sherlock Holmes she remembered seeing it on the book list her creative writing professor gave her. Suddenly there was a load noise hear. A tower of boxes started falling and before they could crush Leah abd cause her to get severely injured which would cause her to have to go to the hospital and have a huge bill to pay and add on to her dept. Someone pulled her out of the way. Her face was in there chest and Leah could here the employees arguing in the distance. The persons arms felt strong and muscular and the silence was broken with them asking
    "Are you okay?" Leah pulled away and looked up at them she recognized him right away, "Carter?" She asked. A dorky smile made a way to his face and it made him look so adorable leah couldn't help but blush. "Im fine thanks." She said looking away. There was a silence it wasn't an awkward one more of a comfortable silence.
    "That book is good I recommend it." Carter said pointing at the Sherlock Holmes book in Leah's hands.
"Oh well im done here then now i just have to find my friend." Leah said sighing. Carter chuckled "yeah I have to find mine too. Wanna walk around together till we find them?" Leah nodded. Carter and Leah walked around for a couple minutes and within those minutes they figured out they have a lot in common. They both like the same books and ice cream. And they both like the same music (they fan girled about shinedown) and had the same hatred for their bosses. "Wow he sounds like a dick." Carter said. "He is he's a fucking asshole that needs to die in a-" Leah was cut off with a squeal she looked to her right to see Appolinia with a tall muscular guy he was maybe a inch taller than carter and less muscular he had a bald head and a tattoo of arrows around his ear and blackish brownish eyes. "Jun there you are." Carter said walking to him. Leah went over too and stood beside Appolinia who was blushing like A lot. "Jun this is Leah shes the one that gave me the cookies that night." Carter said. Jun looked at leah with a blank stare "so your the one he go's on about." He stated. Leah's eyebrows furrowed in confusion and Carter paled, "um he's just messing with you." He said nervously. Appolinia said she was going to pay for hers and Leah's  book as she scurried off Jun followed after her saying her was going to the car. "So um listen bump into each other a lot why not just call each other and set up sometime to hang out." Carter said rubbing the back of his neck nervously. "Okay." Leah said she gave carter her number and he gave her his.  And they left the book store. When Leah got to the car she saw Appolinia still a blushing mess. "Are you-" leah was cut off by Appolinia "IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH JUN." she shouted she started driving out of the book stores parking lot leah couldn't help but think one thought.  I ship it

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