Chapter 6

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   It had been a week since that night. Leah still had a crick in her neck from sleeping in Appolinia's car, but that was the least of her problems. She kept having strange dreams that almost seemed like memories? She could never remember them on she woke up but she always felt the same thing, emptiness. Anyway it was odd and it bothered her a lot but that wasn't really important now. She had work in 20 min. She got out of bed and put on her uniform, she brushed her hair to a presentable state then left.

    Leah groaned and banged her head on the counter.
    "Are you okay?" Appolinia asked. She was currently coming back with an order and saw this being played out. "No." Leah mumbled, she propped up her head in her hand and
    "Do you think I could get away with murdering our boss?" Leah asked. Appolinia was clueless when it came to sarcasm and took what she said seriously. "Well um t-that dep-pends
... Are you good at getting away with things? Do you have experience, have you k-killed someone before?" She kinda just babbled and Leah was just giving her this are you serious? Look. She sighed and looked at the pitiful girl, "I'm joking. Please don't take it seriously." Leah finally said, Appolonia just turned red from embarrassment.
    "Hey! You two! Get to work." Said the goth girl passing by with a plate of pie.  Bitch Leah thought taking Appolinia's notebook. "Sugar cookies." She mumbled to herself getting them out of the heat box and putting them on a plate. "Here." She said handing them to Appolinia, who of course accepted them and went to the table who ordered them. Not long after her shift was over and she left.
    "Hey Leah!" Yelled a certain anxious french girl. Leah turned around to face Appolinia, "What is it?" She asked. Appolinia shifted her feet from side to side nervous. "Well um you see, I was evicted from my apartment. And I'm kinda homeless now and I don't know anyone else so..." Leah sighed and closed her eyes this girl will be the death of me. She thought "I'll get my bike and put it in your car, you can stay with me I guess." She said knowing she was probably going to regret it. Appolinia smiled at her and walked to her car helping Leah put her bike in there.
    The car ride was silent all that could be heard was shinedowns, second chance playing faintly from the radio. Once they got to the apartment Appolinia had a look on her face that scared Leah. She looked around the apartment and saw everything out of place. "Leah..." Appolonia mumbled darkly "Is this your place?"

~several hours later~

   That was when Leah learned that Appolinia had severe OCD, which, Leah actually didn't mind that much. It was nice having a clean place, even if she was being forced to clean against her will. Appolinia had organized the closet so her stuff was on the right side and Leah's was on the left. Want concerned Leah was how colorful, her closet was. Maybe it was just because Leah mostly wore darker stuff with the occasional blue, but Appolinia's closet was like a drag queen was picking out her stuff.
   "Your clothes are...colorful." Leah had committed, Appolinia looked up at her and then to the closet, "Oh, well it all looks gray to me so." She said returning to her book. Wait what? Js she colorblind? Leah thought. Curiosity got the better of her so she asked. "Are you colorblind?" Appolinia not looking up from her book nodded. "Then why the hell did you dye your hair? You don't even know what color it is." Leah asked confused. "Yes I do it's mint green and white which is white and a lighter version of gray." Appolinia said matter of factly. Leah shook her head, "whatever you say." Leah was happy Appolinia was staying with her mostly because of her cat. Appolinia had a hairless cat (who was technically a kitten) named Baby and Leah loved her. Baby would sometimes curl up on Leah's shoulder chest when she was asleep and it just melted her heart. Though Leah one thing Leah didn't understand was why a hairless cat? And when she asked Appolinia just said, "They don't have fur therefore they can't shed, and that equals CLEAN." Leah just accepted the fact that her basically only friend was crazy.

It's short I'm sorry but I'm working on chapter 7 so don't worry.


Star Crossed Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora